Forum Discussion

Leonie_Moore's avatar
15 years ago

It's a Goer/Fitter

Hi girls,  I'm really excited - I got the pink tutu to fit.  Where there's a will there's a way.  Instead of pulling it up - it now goes over the head minus the gusset.  What fun to put all the tuille back in place.  I had a "trial" - tutu, pink wig, pink tights (all bright pink) and ballet shoes.  Of course the BCNA vest and cap were included.  My poor husband was watching TV - when he looked up he said "They'll lock you up"  hehe.  He wonders how I'm going to drive my car to the event in the tutu - where's there's a will ............. maybe nonone will recognise me?????  God I hope I don't get arrested!!!!!!XLeonie

  • good on you Leonie, Look forward to seeing the pics, and like you say, where there's a will there a way, and looking mad is all for a good cause, and if you get locked up, ask if they will donate the bond to bcna lol have a great time.

  • Just make sure the cops that pull you over donate the fine to BCNA!! Can't wait to see the pics Leonie!