Forum Discussion

kellyp's avatar
15 years ago


my story started approx 1 year ago whereby after having a bilateral breast reduction at the age of 39 at the end of August 2009, I was dignosed with DCIS in my right breast.  to say I was shocked was an understatement, my mind was in turmole. I didnt even know what DCIS stood for or what it was let alone how it was related to Breast Cancer. Here I was, 4 days after having an operation that I had waited 20 years for and facing the possibility that I may require more surgery or other treatment. I have a small frame, and had size 10F breasts which had been giving me back & shoulder pain for years

my pathlogy test results of the tissue removed in the reduction showed that there was a clear margin around the DCIS affected tissue, but due to the fact that I had not had a mammogram prior to the surgery  there was no way of knowing if any had been missed and I was referred to  breast specialist immediately,

 The decision was made to wait until the scarring from the surgery had healed and for me to have a MRI in November to check for any other possible signs of breast cancer.  It was nerve racking to have to wait this long, then just before I was to have the MRI it had to be postponed as a breast MRI  is affected by hormones and needs to be in the 1st week of  a period. This was further complicated by the fact that I wasnt getting my periods that regular due to having had a Mirena fitted 2 years earlier. it wasnt until Feb 2010 had I finally had the test even though I still hadnt had a period. My last period had been Oct 2009, but I was away on holiday and unable to get the MRI then. the results of the MRI showed a small lesion in the right breast, (1-2mm )whereby another MRI was requested in 6 mths. This followup MRI is scheduled for this week (6/10/10). Heres hoping that its all okay

my questions through all this is:

Has anyone else out there been dignaosed of DCIS or any form of breast cancer this way of having it show up in the tissue that is removed from a breast reduction? My plastic surgeon says that of all the breast reductions he has done (and he has done a huge amount, though didnt say how many exactly) he has had only 4 cases of breastcancer show up ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?t?i?s?s?u?e? ?r?e??m?o????v?e?d? ?????????????????.?.?



4 Replies

  • Hi Kelly, and Welcome

    Will be thinking of you tommorrow, and hope all goes well, we have a great mix of women on here, so please let us know how you go with your tests, and please keep comming back regards moira

  • Hi Kelly

    Fingers crossed that you will not require any further surgery or treatment!!

    But just think if you hadn't had the reduction then the DCIS could have been missed and the alternative is so much worse.

    We will be thinking of you.



  • Hi All

    I got the results back on Friday 15/10 for the MRI that was d?one on 6/10/10  ?a?n?d? ??t?h?e???? ?r?e?s?u?l?t?s? ?c?a?m?e? ?b?a?c?k? ????C?L?E??A?R??!?!? ??? YAH!!!! I am now on 12 mth reviews.


  • Hi All

    I got the results back on Friday 15/10 for the MRI that was d?one on 6/10/10  ?a?n?d? ??t?h?e???? ?r?e?s?u?l?t?s? ?c?a?m?e? ?b?a?c?k? ????C?L?E??A?R??!?!? ??? YAH!!!! I am now on 12 mth reviews.
