Forum Discussion

minnieme's avatar
15 years ago

What to say

Recently diagnosed with early breast cancer. Lots of tests and 2 operations later (complete left masectomy) I am told it hasn't spread and isn't in my lymph nodes. Hooray for small mercies. I am told I am young (which I like) 44yo. Not sure where to from here. I have enrolled for the encore program in my area and look forward to getting better soon

  • hi minnieme,

    good to see you on here, do you have to have any more treatment? its always good to hear it's not in the lymph nodes. and there is always plenty of women on here to have a chat, so feel free to ask any questions



  • My tumour was large (9cm they thought it was 3cm) so I had to have a complete left masectomy after having a partial and axillary clearance. It was contained and only had minor invasive tissue so I do not require chemo or radiotherapy but see the oncologist regarding hormone therapy. I have been quite lucky in that I found a cyst that turned out to be nothing and that mamogram/ultrasound found the tumour. Also not having to have chemo is a good thing. Just starting physio but feeling quite good. Curious about reconstruction but still to soon to look at it in detail just yet (only 2 weeks since op). I really hated the feeling of being out of control and that I might just wake up and realise I had a bad nightmare but I do realise I am luckier than most at this stage of the process and just keep my fingers crossed it doesn't reoccur anywhere else.

    I love this website a lot. I have just found out a friends sister is going through this too so I am going to catch up with her and let her know about this site (if she doesnt already)


    Be happy and think good thoughts


  • just new and learning how to negotiate this site, but so nice to hear story like my own from someone close to my age. my masectomy booked for 6/10/2010. have had only 2 real reactions from family and friends, I call it the neuclear reaction, either shut down or melt down, I am a natural talker so have found discussing my journey helpful all round, others feel less uncomfortable and even ask questions and gives me less time to get depressed. The decision for reconstruction was an issue so told my doctor I wanted a one stop shop, she's not confident that this will happen, keeps talking further ops, but I have elected for a 1 stage implant. Does anyone know anything? I am a primary carer for my 2.5 year old grandson and am concerned that my recovery will limit his care. Any imfo would be great.

    Have a great day, thanks

  • Well, this is what this site is all about, i know a few of the women have had reconstructions, so hopefully they will read this and be able to discuss it with you both, i was lucky mine was a lumpectomy, but i had to have chemo, radiotherapy, and am nowon arimidex hormone treatment for 5 years, i did go down for a while after my treatment but was prescribed a mild anti depressant, which at the time i didnt want to take "after all i was a strong person" mmm, having now spoke to a few people i wasnt on my own, and it was the best thing i ever done, a year later i am finished with that, and was so greatful for them, so hope all goes well with you both, and keep in touch, Moira feel free to add m to your contacts if you like

  • Well, this is what this site is all about, i know a few of the women have had reconstructions, so hopefully they will read this and be able to discuss it with you both, i was lucky mine was a lumpectomy, but i had to have chemo, radiotherapy, and am nowon arimidex hormone treatment for 5 years, i did go down for a while after my treatment but was prescribed a mild anti depressant, which at the time i didnt want to take "after all i was a strong person" mmm, having now spoke to a few people i wasnt on my own, and it was the best thing i ever done, a year later i am finished with that, and was so greatful for them, so hope all goes well with you both, and keep in touch, Moira feel free to add m to your contacts if you like

  • I had the lymph nodes removed under the arm as the tumour was very close to this area. I still have numbness and limited movement so you may find it a little hard looking after your grandson if he is active. I am recovering well and I would suggest it is different for everyone. I mainly felt very cautious and wary of anyone banging in to me and felt a bit icky about the whole masectomy. I didn't like to look at it at 1st and i am still not thrilled but I would rather be alive. Reconstruction during the masectomy was not an option as my surgeon wont do it. He believes you need time to heal in between and because I was happy with him as a suregon I did not want to explore other options. I am going to get fitted for a prothesis and look at reconstruction further down the track maybe. I like the idea of the tummy fat for a breast as it gains weight etc with your body. I am still having physio on the arm and have enrolled in our local encore program starts in October for further exercise.

    I have had amazing support from my family, friends, workmates and most of all my partner so I know I am very lucky.

  • I am new to this site and like a few others am learning my way around it. Was diagnosed June 2009 but living in rural area slowed down a lot of things. therefore by time I actually got 2 C oncologist and surgeon my tumor had grow rapidly past operative size. So i had 4 mths chemo 2 shrink tumor B 4 full left masectomy last October. Then another delay, radiation was not organised until I nagged 4 it and finally commenced 5 weeks of that having 2 travel 2 Adelaide 4 treatment. Then another 4mts of chemo. I had 23 lymph nodes removed. No cancer cells found in them ...Phew. but find it still numb, uncomfortable, slightly restrictive at most times. I did the encore program and still do my excercises. I think this will B ongoing 4eva. I am on Tamoxin 4 next 5yrs. I have my ups and sowns. I don't feel much like a women any more and grieve for my breast. At first it didn't worry me. My hubby was at the time very supportive. Now our relationship is falling apart. So I now feel like my whole world has crashed. Has anyone else out there had this happen. 

  • Glad to see you on here, I was diagnosed in 2008, after ops, chemo and radiotherapy, am now on armidex for 5 years.  I too live i a rural town in SA, and had to travel 600k's to Adelaide for treatment, staying there for 6 weeks to have radiotherapy, so i know what that feels like, outwith the treatment, and worry, and also the impact is has on our family and friends. Please feel free to add me to your contact list, there is a great bunch on women here with lots of support when we need it.   so please keep on typing, and feel free to ask for help on anything that is worrying you. Regards Moira