Hi there "STAR" ... how's it all going? You've certainly been busy. Saw you on the news before the "Footy Show" package so I was able to brag about my C/F (celebrity friend LoL) ... you know how it goes " I know her etc etc". Were you able to get to the show? It would have been so moving - I was a blubbering wreck just watching it ... what with Jim Stynes then Shane. Lyn looked totally overwhelmed and i can't blame her. The emotion was just about tangible, even thru the tv.
I've got an info table at the street market on Sunday (first weekend of Country Music here) then a "Girls Night In " at my hairdressers on Fri 1st Oct ... just to start the month off.
Rang our Melb girls yesterday to organise decoration gear. They asked how much do I need ... told them I had 25 business houses, 3 pubs, 1 club, 1 paddle steamer and a church fence!!!
Got the first lot today ... they are a wonderful lot down there. They make our jobs out here so easy.
Take care ... Cheers ... Shirl