Forum Discussion

brissie_lyn's avatar
15 years ago

First Radiation appointment

I went along yesterday to Royal Brisbane Hospital yesterday after work for the first "Planning" appointment for radiation.



  • Hi Lyn

    It is very daunting when you go along - I was lucky to be able to go private so not as many people waiting and not a long wait to be seen - but the same faces not many smiling etc - just remeber we are lucky to have found the cancer early and it is being treated - I found if I smiled at them at least you are giving them a bit of happiness and yourself.  A friend of mine her brother went through the Mater for radiation and he went for the last appointments at night and had no waiting at all maybe you can work it in with your work like that. There is still more drawing and lining up done each time you go for your treatments - so get used to the markings - if you are wearing support crop tops make sure they are not really good ones as some of the pen goes onto them.  Take care

  • HI Lyn

    I hope your future treatments go a bit quicker for you.....

    I read your comment about the DCIS and not showing up on the Mammogram and I remember when I went to see my surgeon this time after my surgery for my tumour he told me that they had also found some DCIS in the breast tissue that had been removed.  He said that you can get DCIS that doesn't calcify and so doesn't show up on the mammogram!  I was quite surprised at this because I thought that I had been doing the right thing by getting annual mammograms and ultrasounds after my last bout of DCIS (which resulted in a mastectomy in 2003) which DID show up on the mammogram.  I must say it was disconcerting to know that I had had the DCIS in my breast for quite some time without knowing about it. I guess that is one good thing about having a mastectomy rather than just a lumpectomy - I know that there is no undiscovered DCIS lurking now!  I hope that the MRI scan or CT scans or whatever you have to have will show up any areas before they become problems for you.  Its not fair for us to be worried about things in our body that don't show up on the scans that we are made to have :(

    Good luck,


  • wow! thanks so much Suzf!!  Your response is much appreciated.  So good to know I am not going mad and you noticed the poor atmosphere as well! I will let them know how they could improve for sure. Lyn