Forum Discussion

M_A_Fulton's avatar
15 years ago

My Journey

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. My husband had passed away in the April and I found the lump in October. I live on my own and was devasted, how could this happen. I have had a lumpectomy, and thought thats that, wrong - radiation followed, how to get there, I don't drive, my family don't live close, pallative care came to the rescue. I had a loverly lady pick me up every day for the six weeks treatment, I didn't have to have chemotherapy, I was asked to join a clinical trial, which I have done. I have to take Arimidex everyday,  as I have osteoporosis, so the trial is Fosamax with the Arimidex, any way the trial is for 5 years, and I will be 75 when its finished,

  • Hi Leonie this is my third attempt , hope I get it right this time I[ I am just learning] thank you for your welcome,the trial I am on is called the Bateman Trial the purpose of the study is to evaluate the use of an oral bisphosphonate [fosamax] in preventing bone loss in post menopausal women with early breast cancer who are receiving arimindex, as I have osteoporsis  it was a worthwile trial, I anyway I had to solve the problem of  getting to apointments as I don;t drive, public transport so all appointments are made around bus timetables. anyway so far so good, the last bone density showed an improvement, had some side effect, but o.k. now, blood tests every 3 months etc., see the oncologist every  3 months ,and so on,  Clininical trials really are necessary, and I am glad to able   to be part of this trial, my young niece [40] has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, we have had no family histroy , so really cancer can strike anyone,  thank  you once again for your welcome  hope to see you aroung the network.  regards Margaret