Head Spin
Hi All My head is still spinning. 2.5 weeks ago I was a busy mum to 2 under school age boys, working part-time, and halfway through my third pregnancy. Now I have had a mastectomy, partial auxiliary node clearance, a fairly scary diagnosis, had to change obs and maternity hospitals and I now have more doctors and…
Newly Diagnosed
hi there, I am 30 years old, have a 7 yo daughter and was diagnosed with what doctors think is inflammatory breast cancer HER2+ on Friday. I've been doing a lot of reading and glad I found this network to read of others experiences and advice. Treatment plan is 6 cycles of chemo, surgery and then radiation. I see the…
"You have breast cancer"
Hi Ladies, Its so nice to see/find this online group. My world has literally been turned upside down in the past week. Ive been diagnosed with grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma ER positive in my left breast. Im having a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node surgery on December 1st and I was given my diagnosis on Friday…
Newly Diagnosed
hi there, I am 30 years old, have a 7 yo daughter and was diagnosed with what doctors think is inflammatory breast cancer HER2+ on Friday. I've been doing a lot of reading and glad I found this network to read of others experiences and advice. Treatment plan is 6 cycles of chemo, surgery and then radiation. I see the…
Diagnosed on Friday the 13th!
Hi Ladies, Its so nice to see/find this online group. My world has literally been turned upside down in the past week. Ive been diagnosed with grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma ER positive in my left breast. Im having a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node surgery on December 1st and I was given my diagnosis on Friday…
My mum is just not coping with my diagnosis
Hi everyone My 72 yr old mum is just not coping with the news I have breast cancer. She has had an incredibly difficult life and now having to cope with my dad with dementia her outlook on things is generally negative. Even before I knew I had BC whenever I spoke to her and asked how she was she would always say…
Hi Everyone I'm a newbie to all of this - both the cancer and the online chatting. I feel I am verrry lucky - early detection - Grade 2 invasive lobular tumour. Tumour removed with good margins and 2 lymph nodes - no travelling. I am almost finished radiation and going well. So I'm about to start on the Arimidex. I am 59…
Is this really happening? When do I wake up?
It has been eight days since I found a lump in my breast and my world has not stopped spinning. My GP (breast cancer survivor herself) was on it so fast. Mammogram, ultrasound, core needle biopsy, bone scan, CT scan, positive pathology result confirming breast cancer, package from BCNA and appointment booked with surgeon…
What do I tell work?
Hi. I am due to have first appointment with surgeon next week. I am guessing that at the very least I will have surgery (infiltrating ductal carcinoma but not in bones or other organs). While I know it is different for each woman, how much time off is generally needed after surgery? I don't know what kind of surgery I will…
Breast Cancer Diagnosis Today
Hi All! So today, on my 39th birthday, (yep happy birthday to me) I was told I have breast cancer. A 10mm Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Grade 3) All of this means not a lot to me. I have seen the specialist and been advised to read the Guide for Women with Early Breast Cancer and talk to others in the assistance of making a…
The first 24 hours
Was told yesterday that I have breast cancer. I have no idea the type, severity, outcomes or anything until Monday when I see a specialist. All the worse scenarios keep going through my head. Then I try and logic it out and figure statistics should be on my side. It's awful and I'm only 24 hours into my journey. I want to…
I am scared
I have been diagnosed with breast cancer today xxxx tough luck x where do I start? Cancel Law school, leave work, cry, sleep, stop the new business - Am I allowed to be scared? Can I cry?
New member
This is my first blog. Hi my name is Jodie and I'm 42. I found my lump 5 weeks ago and everything has moved very fast since. I have been diagnosed with grade 3 ductal infiltrating carcinoma, stage 2a, triple negative bc. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy 2 weeks ago, one from three lymph nodes involved. I will…
Pre-Admission Day Thoughts
Two appointments this week with the first being my pre-admission with the anaesthetist and hopefully one of the surgical team as I have a number of questions that I am seeking answers for, some my breast care nurse was able to answer, others not. Three hours the letter recommended I set aside for this appointment. Just as…
Just beginning
Hi everyone i began my journey last wednesday when diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Major roller coaster ride i have been on. Operation in Monday:)