My timeline
Today specialist advised chemo/radiation - I feel like I am in a dream, is this really happening to me?
Recently diagnosed
Hey ladies, I was recently diagnosed. Don't know much yet and very stressed and scared. Im new in Ausralia so would love to get some support in all the process and bearucracy.feel alone in this. Bat-El, Sydney
Hi. This is my first post to the network, but I really need to vent. I am terrified. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 46 in late 2014. A lumpectomy, six chemotherapy sessions and 6 weeks of radiotherapy followed in 2013. Three years later and life was getting back to normal. I have a wonderful husband and…
Newly diagnosed
hi there, I am 30 years old and have just been diagnosed with BC which doctors think is IBC grade 3 (not sure of stage) I have had a swollen breast for nearly 6 weeks which doc initially thought was an infection. 3 biopsies later and I have a semi diagnosis. I have no family history of BC. I am also HER2+. I have noticed…
Lupus, CPTSD, Breast Cancer... Oh My!
Hi everyone thanks for having me here in the group. i have systemic lupus and have been living with it since i was 17 years old. i'm 35 now. I found out last week i have breast cancer from the doctor on the phone because he wasn't in... then i found out from another doctor that i have a "standard garden variety" breast…
It's all happening very fast....
My name is Sam. I am 45 years old and one week ago I was diagnosed with grade one lobular carcinoma in my right breast, a 12mm lump. I've been told I've caught it early, it's small and not aggressive so it's going to be OK. It has been the same size since December. I feel like this is all quite surreal and I'm having a…
Need some advice on getting started
I have only recently be diagnosed, last Friday in fact. I see my surgeon tomorrow. A couple of weeks ago my housemate and I decided to join the local gym and try to get fitter, stronger and lose some weight (or a lot of weight). Then I got that phone call. Right now I am feeling overwhelmed by all this and not sure what to…
This is me
Hi im 36 years old just recently found out i have breast cancer once again after having it ten years ago on the same breast will be getting a masectomy done followed by treatment absolutely terrified and scared wanted to know if anybody is the same boat? Really need support from people that understand what im going through…
I feel like a fraud...
I was diagnosed on Friday with an Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in my right breast. I am in shock. It is small and they have found it early which is all positive. But why do I feel so bad and scared. I feel like I am being told that it is small, it will be dealt with quickly, most women survive, I've got nothing to worry…
Hello all
Hello everyone i am new to the forum and newly diagnosed with breast cancer and am looking at people i can talk to that are going through the same thing as I am. I have lots of decisions to make as to what will be best for me. I have been told that I will have the operation to take out the breast cancer and have some lymph…
Oncologist appointment
Hi all hope you ladies are doing ok. I have to go to see my oncologist tomorrow just to talk to them and find out some things i did not think i had to do that till i had my surgery and thought i would see them after the surgery and after i healed but they said no i have to go see them and talk to them. But one think i will…
Telling The Family
How do i start how do i sit my kids down and tell them am sick i dont look it but i am i have all my scans on film and disc should i show them and explain everything to them am still numb myself only finding out on tuesday
Newly diagnosed
Wow this is harder to type than i thought, I was delivered that dreaded news last Monday the 22/2 that i have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, as you all can imagine my head is spinning, although after 2 mammogram, 2 ultrasounds and a biopsy my inner gut instincts told me this was going to be the result, but nothing prepares you…
New to Breast Cancer
Hi, i am Keirson a 39 year old mother of 2 amazing kids, married to the love of my life and a busy business owner. I was diagnosed with Her2+ grade 3 breast cancer in October last year, i had a lumpectomy and 6 lymph nodes as well as a part of my thyroid removed in December. my beautiful hero, my Dad lost his battle with…
Its all so new
I'v just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm not really sure how I feel. I found out because of an abnormality at my first screening mammogram. When they called me back to have more checks somehow I knew I was going to get the answer I did. The first few days I was really positive but now, a week later, I'm getting…