
angg66 Member Posts: 188
edited September 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi. This is my first post to the network, but I really need to vent. I am terrified. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 46 in late 2014. A lumpectomy, six chemotherapy sessions and 6 weeks of radiotherapy followed in 2013. Three years later and life was getting back to normal. I have a wonderful husband and two young children. Over the last year I have hit the gym and lost 20 kilos.

Then last Friday 1 April my oncologist said that the CT scan I did on 31 March showed something in my liver and in the lymph nodes in my chest. Both are very small. I am terrified that it is secondary breast cancer. My kids are little. They need their mum. I have cried everyday since seeing the oncologist. I am crying now. I have to wait until the next CT scan in July to see what happens next. 

How do I get on with life with this hanging over my head? Where do I go to get some support during this time?



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited April 2016

    Hi, that's awful for you. I don't understand why you have to wait for so long for another scan. If there is any hint it might be cancer then couldn't they do a biopsy?What about a second opinion?I would be a mess not knowing- go with what your gut tells you.xx

  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2016

    Agreeing with Tonya.

    If this is terrifying you, you need to communicate that to your GP. Your emotional well-being is important too, so the peace of mind is worth perusing even if you only have a more in-depth conversation about the results.

    I imagine they just had no reason to think the results were remarkable. If it helps ease your mind I have a calcification on my liver that is completely unrelated to my cancer.

  • PaulaN
    PaulaN Member Posts: 237
    edited April 2016
    I know exactly what you're going through as I'm in a similar position. I'm a public patient & am being referred to another department & have no idea when that will be. My GP put in an urgent referral to have my ovaries & uterus checked & my appointment isn't until 29 August. When I questioned why so long I was told that urgent means within 3 months. Apparently someone must have failed basic maths

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited April 2016

    Can you talk with the breast care nurse at the public hospital. She might be able to discuss things in more details, provide support and hasten response if needed. Take care. Know we are thinking of you and are here to listen. Ksth x

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited April 2016

    The really annoying part about Drs is they don't comment either way until they have all the tests and facts staring them in the face and even then they only give you the basic information you need.

    Probably good news is the nodes and liver thing is small and may not turn out to be anything bad. I presume blood tests were also done to see if they pick up anything odd?

    I would round up a breast nurse and have a chat and if you are really worried talk to another Dr about your concerns. After all, it is your body.

  • suzieq
    suzieq Member Posts: 332
    edited April 2016

    I don't know if I would be prepared to wait that long.  You need more information than what you have seemingly been given.

    Always get copies of all your results as well as radiographer's report and may I suggest you never discuss your medical treatment or diagnosis with anyone other than someone with a full medical degree At the very least see your GP about your fears and concerns and go from there.  It would be brutal to have to wait until July for follow up.  I am praying it is just calcification Good luck... Suexx

  • Marlee
    Marlee Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2016

    That is so hard and horrible


    I agree with the other ladies, that is too long to wait and have uncertainty - you need a diff opinion.

    I had a CT which showed something in liver, like you I was terrified. I had an MRI the following week and it proved to be benign. Can you go to your GP and ask for liver MRI, not sure about nodes on chest but there has to be extra testing that can be done sooner

    I had to pay for the MRI but it was worth it

    Sending you big hugs - I think we all feel your terror 



  • blackj
    blackj Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016

    You poor thing this is awful.  I also don't understand why you have to wait so long for confirmation with another CT. Find your most assertive friend or relative and go along and request the follow up CT immediately or a biopsy or a second opinion.

    Good luck it's your body - you are in charge!

  • blackj
    blackj Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016

    I agree - the breast care nurses are the best!

  • bjp
    bjp Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016


    I was sent for a bone scan prior to possible chemo after my second triple negative surgery(2008 and 2014). The report said "two likely sites of skeletal metastatic disease". Oncologist pretty much said we were dealing with secondary breast cancer in the bones and sent me off for CT and MRI to find out what else there might be before deciding what chemo to prescribe.

    Public patient - three days wait for scans then back to oncologist in 7 days. One week to get my head around having secondary - very very stressful - came to terms with what ever I had to deal with.

    Got to appointment and the results had not been received !!!!! - waited 2 and a half hours for it to come thru...........turned out to be a "subacute fracture of right 5th rib" and a "transverse fracture thru the 5th sacral segment which appears subacute".  So it was a broken rib and tail bone after a fall I had about a month before surgery.  Was quite a fall with lots of bruising but was not in need of attention from a dr.

    I hope you manage to get some good results before July.  It is insane to make you wait so long.

    I would also recommend Cancer Council 1311 20 for someone to talk to.
