I'm new here
Hi my name is Sue Diagnosed at the start of May with Early Stage Breast Cancer Invasive Ductal Carcinoma during routine yearly mammogram and ultrasound. Mother diagnosed at 39yo and cousin at 46 (one year ago). I am 47. Surgery to remove tumour with clear margins performed 26 May and no nodes were involved. Pathology…
The beginning of my BC Journey
So hard to believe how your whole world can be turned upside down in one Dr's consultation. Breast Cancer...me???? It still seems unbelievable. Over the past 12 days I have been through the barrage of Mamograms, biopsies, Research programme, MRI, CT scans, blood tests. The bone scan to go and then in 2 more days I will be…
hi i placed a blog on the triple neg site so hoping to get a few replies and advice bit stressed at the moment . just me maybe. anyway look foreward to some in put . fran
A starting point.
Here is a bit of an introduction, I am 39, I am a mum to 2 great kids aged 11 and 9 and a wife and busy with a job that I love and life that I love……… This is my first blog, all about my adventure on this crazy crazy rollercoaster to date! I have just had the most amazing summer holidays. It was by far the most relaxed I…
Hi my name is Nat I am 42 years old and this is my first post....I have been reading others posts and collecting my thoughts for a few days before I decided to start my blog...so here goes! I am newly diagnosed 12/02/15 and have an Invasive Ductal Carcinonma Grade 3 and am Triple Negative. Wow cant believe I got that out!…
My journey begins!
Diagnosed on Tuesday after the dreaded Breastscreen Qld recall. Told I have a 9mm tumour, to see specialist on 24 Feb and told will probably be operated on to remove it and lymph node followed by radiation. Feeling very apprehensive as I've spent the last 18 months supporting my sister through a mastectomy, chemo and…
first post
Hi everyone, I have been reading this site so much since I was told I had breast cancer just before christmas so I know I am not alone with the shock the initial panic and despair that I felt. I have never felt so scared and so ultimately alone. I was in surgery for the lumpectomy days after diagnosis and now have had my…
Life sucks :(
Hi, This is my first ever post on something like this so it's all a bit new and feels a bit weird but here goes .... I found a lump last month just poking up at me one morning when I woke up (I sleep naked- thank god I do or I would not have found it so soon ) was operated on last week breast conserving surgery and…
I am scared ....
Hi all, My name is Danka, I am 31 yrs old, mother of 2 cute kids. I have been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer 8/ 01/ 2015, grade 3, Her2+ , 19mm tumour and 2 of 3.5mm. I am not sure what stage I am in yet, but I have a swollen lymph note under my armpit. I had an appointment today and they had a blood test and a CT…
New diagnosis
Hi everyone I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I was diagnosed just before xmas . Everything seems Very confusing as my diagnosis keeps changing! initially I started off with DCIS ( apparently the lucky cancer or so I was told) non invasive which has now progressed to include an invasive tumour. I have just had…
Newly diagnosed
Hi my name is Glynnis, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2014, that was a shock in its self, I had the lump removed on January 9 th 2015, then found out it was In my lymph nodes, ct scans and body scan the next week, then get told I have extensive bone disease, We are devasted don't know where to go from here,…
Report on breast cancer in Australia
Interesting reading I found on the internet regarding key facts and findings of breast cancer in Australia. GO TO http://www.aihw.gov.au/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10737423006 Excerpt from the report below Foreword Breast cancer in Australia: an overview presents the most up-to-date statistical information on breast…
Newly diagnosed at 34yo
My story begins with a tiny density in my breast that had been there since I was 15. I had it checked every year and had been to the doctor in July, told I had fybrocystic breast change that was nothing to worry about. 2 months later I was back at the doctor with a very swollen breast, painful to touch. Told I had mastitis…
Things you wish you had know!
Hi, I am Shelli, For those that don't know me I am 39, stage 4 bi-lateral breast cancer with mets to the bones. Fun hey! Not really. I have just been though 6 rounds of Dotax, Herceptin and Perjeta. I am currently on the Herceptin and the Perjeta every 3 weeks for the rest of my life until they wont work anymore so…
Newbie post
Hi All, Firstly, I'd like to say WOW!!! & Thank You!! What a fantastic network of such lovely, supportive people!! (you don't find that too often on forums) I have only just found this network about a week ago & have been scouring the posts & finding all sorts of useful info. So I thought it was about time I joined up...in…