I'm new here

SusieJW Member Posts: 9
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi my name is Sue

Diagnosed at the start of May with Early Stage Breast Cancer Invasive Ductal Carcinoma during routine yearly mammogram and ultrasound.  Mother diagnosed at 39yo and cousin at 46 (one year ago).  I am 47.

Surgery to remove tumour with clear margins performed 26 May and no nodes were involved.  Pathology revealed triple positive result with grade 3 tumour.

I thought due to clear margins that would be it!!  I am now about to undergo 4 cycles of chemotherapy and 12 months of Herceptin.

I am really anxious about starting this drug therapy and curious as to how others have tolerated it and the impact it has had on your day to day lives.

It feels a bit like I'm floating down a river being pushed along by everything happening around me and I'm not sure if it even feels real yet.

Any thoughts?





  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sue,

    I am a bit of an oldie here who pops in from time to time.  Starting chemo can be very nerve racking. My cancer was triple negative so the opposite of yours, however chemo is chemo no matter the diagnosis. I think going for orientation where you are having chemo can be a big help.  They will give you all sorts of tips.  Everyone copes differently.  I thought I was going to be able to have chemo on Friday and be back at work on Monday...However I found it too hard.  I do only work part time and I found if I took the week off after chemo I was OK for the other two weeks.  As I said though we are all different and you will find that out. some can work all the time, some not at all.  It doesn't matter though, as long as you do what's right for you.

    I wish you all the best.

    Paula xx

  • crass1
    crass1 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2015

    Hi sue, 

    I'm the same but double positive. I thought in the beginning it was just going to be radiotherapy but sadly not, 6 sessions of chemo and im half way through. How to cope??? That is the biggest question as everyone is different. Before my first chemo I got organised and read a lot about nausea and how to reduce the effects, also got lots of fruit and veg. I also thought if I had chemo on Friday I'd be good for work on Monday but that was not the case, generally to takes me 5 days to 'come good' and then after its a real roller coaster of emotions. I highly recommend seeing a counsellor, I've been going since I was diagnosed and I don't know how I would have coped without her, she's amazing. Also, I meditate to relax which helps most times.

    Here's to the good fight.



  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited June 2015

    Welcome to the site chemo is not easy for anyone. I had 4 cycles of chemo and 12 months of herceptin. It is a long haul and you will get there. Ask as many questions as you can, take a note book and remember no question is dumb. I have just finished my herceptin in May so you will get there. I did work on and off this was my choice as I needed something else to think about. I look back and don't know how I did it, one day at a time.

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Thank you Paula

    I'm going for "chemo orientation" on Monday, I agree it's a good idea.

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Thank you Katrina,

    I too have researched how to cope with the nausea and lots of people have lots of suggestions.  How to sift through and know which way to go?  What helped you?

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Thank you Rowdy

    My treatment is looking to be the same as yours, great to hear you got through.  It is comforting to hear from people through the other side.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sue and welcome to our site. You'll find a really supportive bunch of people who care and are safe to debrief with. Every time I've looked for advice, it has been really sound. Beet of luck with your treatment, Tracey B ??

  • Mozzie Bear
    Mozzie Bear Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sue, you will get medication for the nausea but ginger is wonderful and I used that to help.  I had ginger beer in the fridge or I would make ginger water which is lovely if you like ginger - boil ginger root with water, strain and keep in the fridge.  I also had the old faithful savoy crackers.  Good luck.  Maureen

  • Kazzi
    Kazzi Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sue,

    I'm a newbie, recovering from mastectomy (didn't have clear margins after 2 earlier surgeries). Micromets in 2 of 5 lymph nodes. I'm seeing my medical oncologist on Tuesday to find out what's in store for chemo.  I'm hormone receptor positive but HER neg. Radiotherapy appt for info, if that's after chemo, is later in the week too. I'm 48, with 2 teenage kids, and not looking forward to looking really sick in front of them.

    After the surgeries, I was sleeping a lot better, but since the appts have been made to find out about chemo and radio, I'm having trouble sleeping again.  It all seems so real.

    Once I know what my chemo drugs are, I'll be posting a lot of questions to the wonderful women here. 

    Sorry if I have no answers to your questions, just wanted you to know that you're not alone.

    Karen xx

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Thanks Tracey!!

    Already helping, hearing from others going through same

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Thanks Maureen

    Will make sure I have some on hand.

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Hi Karen

    My three kids are late teenage years too, they and my husband have been great.  I think it's important to be open and include them so they don't think you are hiding anything.  They've surprised me with how helpful and supportive they've been.

    I have trouble sleeping too around appointments - its just a lot of information to digest.

    Best of luck xx

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited June 2015

    Hi Sue

    i had 6 treatments of TCH chemo, 33 radiotherapy sessions and am finishing off 12 months of herceptin. I was dreadfully ill from the chemo. I felt woosy straight away on the Thursday I had it with the sickness really kicking in on the Sunday. Hints from my experience were as follows:

    * take everything they tell you to take when they tell you to take it whether or feel sick or not

    * if you are really crook, don't assume this is the way it is meant to be. I spent 4 days on a toilet with a bucket in my lap before going to hospital. I was admitted to hospital for 5 days. Don't be afraid to call the hospital. If you have the runs more than 4 times a day, call the hospital and if you are really crook for 3 days, call the hospital. 

    * tell your oncologist EVERY side effect you have. They will be able to do things to help. I had my chemo changed after the 2nd treatment as it made me so I'll. 

    * every treatment was different for me. Some better than others. I managed to work part time in the second two weeks of my 3 week cycles

    Good luck with it all. Karen xox


  • Jacqui63
    Jacqui63 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2015

    Spot on Karen, if you have side effects get help, sooner rather than later I was like you Karen vomiting diarrohea but assumed All normal took 4 days in hospital to get on top of it and never looked back, not everyone will get side effects and some are milder than others too, good luck, I'm HER2 positive did 3 months chem, 25 rounds of radiation therapy and am on herceptin for another six months, already completed six months hang In there 

  • SusieJW
    SusieJW Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2015

    Many thanks to everyone for kind words and advice.  I had my first chemo treatment last Thursday and really had quite minimal side effects.  I've been warned it may be worse next time though :(

    Anyhow, I'm doing Ok and really appreciate everyones encouragement.  It really does help.

    Sue xxxx