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This is my first blog.
Hi my name is Jodie and I'm 42. I found my lump 5 weeks ago and everything has moved very fast since. I have been diagnosed with grade 3 ductal infiltrating carcinoma, stage 2a, triple negative bc. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy 2 weeks ago, one from three lymph nodes involved. I will have a portacath put in this week and chemo starts August 3rd. AC 4 doses over 12 weeks followed by paclitaxel once a week for 12 weeks. This will be followed by radiation, double mastectomy and reconstruction should I choose. I have a strong family history of bc and my mum is BRCA 1 positive. I am waiting for test results to see if I also carry the gene.
Am so glad that this website exist. The information available and being able to read the blogs has been extremely helpful
Hi Jodie welcome to the site, I found it a great place to chat to others going on the same trip (journey).Take care and visit often.
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Hi Jodie, welcome! I am 3 days away from completing the same treatment plan as you. I was diagnosed last September, hormone positive and stage 3c, micro papillary cancer. It's daunting at the start but once chemo is out of the way it goes relatively fast. I've had few side effects and hope that is the case for you! My reconstruction was done with expanders and six months after radiation finishes I'll get my implants. The best thing I found was to keep walking as much as you can as it really does help! All the best for starting chemo! Be kind to yourself, Louise x
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Welcome Jodie, I hope that your pre surgery treatment goes well for you. It's good to check in with this network, as you'll get lots of support along the way. Warm wishes, Tracey B ??
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Hi Jodie,
I am also triple negative, stage 2a, and we are nearly all grade 3 when diagnosed as it is aggressive. Like you, I had a portacath put in, then 12 weeks of taxol/carboplatin. (Take all the meds they will give you as it is easier to prevent any side effects than to fix them!) I also had a double mastectomy, 28 rads, and a hysterectomy due to family history.
That was all 3 years ago. I wanted you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have never felt fitter or healthier, and work at staying that way. My best advice is to always take one day at a time, don't look too far ahead, keep a diary of all your appointments/meds/symptoms/temperature/etc. and you will get through this. Once treatment starts the time goes surprisingly quickly.
Stay in touch, Jodie. We have a great triple negative bc group here which you can join and read other people's stories. Don't go to Dr Google - there is a lot of rubbish out there. Big hug.
Michelle xxx
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Hi Jodie, wishing you all the best for your upcoming treatments. And yes, this is certainly the best place to read and share information. Take care, Fi xx
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Hi Jodie, welcome. We never want to have to welcome anyone but it's the greatest place you will find support 24/7. We all go on this trip and you know we have good days, better and bad but you get there. I'm 3 years post diagnosis and I got there you will to. Adean xx
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Thanks Rowdy
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Thanks Loubegg. Good to hear you're near the end. Hope all goes well. I have already started scoping out cafes that sell my favourite coffee to incorporate into my walks. Jodie x
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Thanks Tracey
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Hi Michelle
Thank you for sharing your journey with me and your advice. Hope you are well. I have joined the triple -ve group. The calendar function on my phone and computer are certainly getting a workout. Will stay in touch throughout the journey.
Jodie x
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Thank you Fi x
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Thank you Adean the support has been amazing x