My Dream fading

I have recently been been told I have breast cancer in my left breast. I was hard to process the news, I clinged on to my daughters had as the tears fell.
The first thought was I will not be there for my child and grand children. I will not fufill my childhood dream to visit and sing in Nashville USA. My dream was disapearing from view. I felt I was loosing control, so I quickly started to plan my funeral and cried myself to sleep for a couple days.. My daughter was an amazing support.
Its been less then 3 weeks and I have calmed down. I would love to meet other singer songwriters, I need to sing and paint even collborated with would be great. It would be love to have just have others to talk with who understands what I am going through. I am blessed for the family and friends I have who are walk along sing me. I have someone will reply. I live in Geelong Vic.
hope to hear from you all.
Im off to Doctors to findout what happens next. Your sista in song signing out. attached is one my old songs cowritten with Kenneth Smith. The song is my new life after DV called travelled so far. Travelled So Far -The best of the Block CD Redfern Community Centre Studio. City of Sydney council program.
Hi Nashville,
I'm a newly diagnosed as well, I'm waiting to get an appointment to see a surgeon at the Gold Coast Hospital. I'm sure that we will all be here for you as begin this trip or journey. I live in Queensland as you could already tell I live on the Gold Coast, I have grandchildren that I dearly love and want to see grow up. I'm not a singer but admire anyone that does sing as I believe it's a true gift.
Take Care and best of luck
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Welcome:)I am not a singer but I do love music!!I also have grandchildren,and in the beginning I had all those scary thoughts too.I am almost 12 months past chemo,and I feel great.Stay connected on here,because there is always someone who can answer your questions honestly,and no question is a silly one!As you go along,and get more information about your treatment,you will start to feel more confident.Breast cancer is very treatable these days,and we live in the country with the best medical support.Take care and stay in touch.Robyn xoxq0
Welcome:)I am not a singer but I do love music!!I also have grandchildren,and in the beginning I had all those scary thoughts too.I am almost 12 months past chemo,and I feel great.Stay connected on here,because there is always someone who can answer your questions honestly,and no question is a silly one!As you go along,and get more information about your treatment,you will start to feel more confident.Breast cancer is very treatable these days,and we live in the country with the best medical support.Take care and stay in touch.Robyn xoxq0
Thank you for saying hi! Donna, here is some my music I hope that I come across others singers. It be good to have a concert or something to fundraise to breast cancer research and support other activities. I would like to collaborate on something like this one day. This blog has been great for me. I feel Im not alone. I have others that understand.
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I am so pleased that you have had an emotional turn around and have decided to live. Its a beautiful life and yes there are crap things that happen to good people but its how we deal with these things and come out the other side that determine us as people.
I am sending you great bug cyber hugs.
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Dear friends,
I am finally over the shock, its been a roller coaster of emotions, thoughts, decisions and fear that have now been replaced with the mindset I have endured 15 years of Domestic Voilence and Survived then I am not going to let Breast Cancer have the better of me. I acknowlege that I will have my ups and down however I wont let myself stay down long.
So two days ago, I looked in the mirror with bare breast and sad thank you and good by to my left breast. I figured that I still live a long life just had to grasp life , holdon and make everyday, momment and second a special one. I will and the universe will help me fufill my childhood dream to singing, paint in Nashville USA.
I have for many years been an advocate against DV, sharing my story publicly through my past work as well as my art. I spoke to organisation and communities. I could do the same with Breast Cancer.
I find talking about the situation I am in has helped me heal and others heal too. when I start talking about what happened to me I found it difficult but as time went on my heart and soul got peace and I realize that it was a situtation I was in that made me miserable so when I started talking about the situation and experience it seem to free my spirit and I became happy enough to move forward and heal.
here are some the interviews I have done over time hope you like them.
todays appoinment I sang one of my songs to the Doctor and Nurse. I so love singing. I would been nice to have a Breast Cancer music program, one day this might happen. I found this program online that sound amazing , Tamara uses music as a tool to help other heal from Trauma. I hope one day to work with a program like this . I want to become a music and art therapist.
Thank you all as this site has playing a major role in my mind shift. Thanks to the medical centre, Geelong Hospital staff and support.
much love everyone
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I got Surgery tomorrow avo, finding it hard to sleep0
my surgery went well, just healing now.
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