Post surgery

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Well it didn't really hit me until I was being admitted and a lovey nurse in a hot pink blouse said hi I'm Kim your beast care nurse. 

A blur later I'm sitting up the day after surgery enjoying a cup of tea (sort of ) the anesthetic knocked me around and I had a rough day yesterday. I remember crying in recovery as the surgeon held my hand and told me the nodes came back positive, that the tumor was large and nasty... Then I drifted back into la la land. 

The nurses here are amazing, I'm waiting for the surgeon to visit me this morning and see if I can go home today . I've had another pink nurse visit and give me my drain carrier and I have a gorgeous pink satin cushion for under my arm. She'll be back to talk me through more things later... I'm still about groggy, so I'll touch base later, but I would like to say thanks to all for your messages of support, it's a bit of calm amongst this whirlwind ... 



stay strong|breathe|believe



  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2016

    Just wanted to say I am thinking of you, Tracy. Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Hope you can come home soon.


  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2016

    You hang in there, Tracey!!  You hear me?  It's a massive thing you've just had done, and I can tell you here and now that you will be up and down like a yo-yo for weeks ahead.  I know I still am.  Takes nothing for me to dissolve into tears over the silliest of things, even now.  

    Take each day as it comes, darl.  Stay strong - and remember the medicos have an arsenal of treatments etc at their disposal to care for YOU.  You will be amazed how incredible the breast care teams are - I'm still a bit overwhelmed with it all, but they will always be there for you.  

    My apologies for not writing earlier. I got a bit flattened with the chemo, but bless my GP he has got me feeling nearly human again today!  woo hooo  

    Keep in touch, won't you?? 

    thinking of you *HUGS*  Barb (in Brisbane)

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    edited January 2016

    Hi!   Just to say, you've got through this step, well done!. I along with others are willing you along.  Take a deep breath, get some rest and let the mind and body start healing! 

    You've got a great team looking after you and you've got this network.

    Take care

    Christine xx

  • Marlee
    Marlee Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2016

    I had mastectomy a week ago, first drain out today, one more to go :)


    Take one day at a time, there are good and bad days. Come here to read and vent 

    Hope today is a good one for you


  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2016

    Hi Tracy,

    been thinking of you this week & wondering how you were going.  Round 1 done and time to rest up, every warrior needs their strength. In the meantime painkillers & lala land can be a good place to rest. Take it easy, don't look too far ahead and know that you are in our thoughts, love, Trace ??

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited January 2016

    Well girl you've now got to do whatever it takes to get rid of that damn cancer. Rest up save your strength and look after yourself.  Adean xx


  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited January 2016

    Yay another step over, rest while you are in hospital. Now one of the most important things to remember is to pick up your little bags before you start walking. I used to get up and forget and I would hear this thump thump and think Oh sh... I forgot something.  Hope the drug are keeping you pain free take care x

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited January 2016

    Hope you feel more yourself soon. Stay can do this. ..believe