Herceptin, Palbociclib and Letrozole combination
Hi everyone, this is the first time I have posted in this forum, so hello :) I am currently doing 18 weeks of chemo and 3 weekly herceptin treatments, and my scans are showing that the cancers, which are in my liver, lungs, bones and lymph nodes, are reducing quite a lot. So far I am at week 13 of treatment and some days I…
Ribociclib and Anastrozole
Hi everyone, I started this combo in January 2019 for Mets lung diagnosed in December 2018. My oncologist told me that results are usually 12 to 18 months and then another line of treatment would need to be considered. Has anyone got any feedback on this combo. Feeling a bit apprehensive at the moment.
My husbands lumps
Posted on behalf of @Digger55 "My husband's lumps" My husband he has some fatty lumps in lots of various placesLipomas- just harmless little fatty lumps- nothing outrageousAnd when we found one in his breast… we did pull some facesBut thought it's just another one of his Lipoma cases. Then surgery to fix his torn shoulder…
Liver tumours
Hi..just found out breast cancer has spread..took lymph nodes out too, and was ready for chemo, as a " curative plan"..scans just found it has spread yo liver!! Now biopsy to see if its related to BC, or separate. PETRIFIED!!! Has anyone experienced anything similar?.. TIA..:-((
I just wanted to share with you all that today is a sad day for my family. We have learnt that cousin, not too much older than I, has lost her battle. Primary was Breast cancer but in time her body rebelled; the duodenum was where it was detected.She is now at peace. Just a reminder how fragile we all are. Today is a…
Advice on ceasing treatment
Hi everyone I hope someone can help me, this journey is horrible. My mum was successfully treated for breast cancer 9 years ago. Last year it returned with aggression. It attacked her intestine, peritoneal region ending in emergency surgery. She had 12 cycles of abraxane chemotherapy and was in remission. So placed on…
COV-19 and shopping
Hello! I have stage 4 breast cancer with spinal mets. I am on Ribociclib (600mg)/Letrozole/Denosumab. I am currently self isolating as the medication means I am at risk. I just found out you can register for home deliveries from Woolworths as an at risk person. Here is the link to register:…
WTF 2020
Good evening everyone...I really thought 2020 was going to be my year! Anyone else? First the fires...floods...then I thought I was having a heart attack which turned out to be Takotsubo cardiomyopathy..say what! Then COVID-19...millions lose their job...and thousands lose their lives 😢...isolation and now they found a…
palbociclib now on pbs as of may 1st
Hi everyone, woo hoo, the government has finally put palbociclib on the pbs as of may 1st 2020 it will become available. I do not know if there are any set criteria for this ie only for those on a first line of treatment as has been the case in the past,. I have tried for several years for this to happen and finally the…
long term herceptin for bc mets....
Found an old discussion from Kari_2015. Just wanted to let ladies know that I have been on Herceptin for 13yrs. Managing to keep lesions only in bone so pretty happy with that... Only know one other lady that is on herceptin still...been 11-12yrs for her too. My understanding is that if you are going to have problems…
Exercise and Eating
Does anyone have any good ideas for motivating me into a good eating and exercise plan. My head is all for it but the rest of me is not as motivated 🤪. I’m working full time and using Lite n Easy but I’m still eating the treats ( emotional eating) and not really exercising. I’m 57 and I’m too young to give up.....I’m ready…
Cancer showing signs of progression
Posted on behalf of @RosieC
Anyone else on Herceptin & Perjeta indefinately???
Hi Ladies Hope everyone is doing well, it has been ages since I last visited. I was wondering if there are many out there who are undergoing herceptin and perjeta treatment every 3 weeks with no end date like myself. I have now been doing it since about April 2016 and while my side effects are fairly minimal; I have…
Hi everyone I don’t know how to start this, I was diagnosed with breast in 2017 when pregnant. My baby and I went through mastectomy, chemo and radiation together because she was still in my belly when I was going through all that, thank God she came out beautifully and strong. She is 20month and a very happy girl. But now…
I am new to the network and have metastasis
Posted on behalf of JLea Hello everyone, I am new to the network. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2016. I had a double mastectomy and axillary clearance and chemo. Six months ago I was found to have mets in my bones. Including skull, spine down to T10, scapulae, ribs, sternum, pelvis and femoral head. So…