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My husbands lumps

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
Posted on behalf of @Digger55

"My husband's lumps"

My husband he has some fatty lumps in lots of various places
Lipomas- just harmless little fatty lumps- nothing outrageous
And when we found one in his breast… we did pull some faces
But thought it's just another one of his Lipoma cases.

Then surgery to fix his torn shoulder earlier this year
And 10 days later he felt some pain- not in his rear
It was pain in his ribs- “pneumonia” we hear
But not only did he have pneumonia- we had something else to fear.

Yes he had cracked his ribs, but the breast lump was a concern
As well as other spots in his bones- the report was very stern
Then with scans and blood tests we would unfortunately go on to learn
That he has metastatic breast cancer- he nearly had a turn
Our life together prior to this was something we would yearn.

I know he is a special man and I am a very luck wife
There’s nothing he can’t fix and build- he enjoyed this in his life
But now 3 months from when we heard all this strife,
He is limited in what he can do- 
To treatment, medications, blood tests and scans and trouble going to the loo

Everything to do with breast cancer is pink
Men do get breast cancer, only one percent I think
we do hope his primary and mets will eventually shrink
so onward with more treatment and tests and ribs that clunk and clink
hopefully soon we will get good news and celebrate with a drink

He tells me he loves me and that I am his rock
This journey is not one we would chose- if only we could turn back the clock
His breast cancer diagnosis certainly did come as a shock
Tis early days with treatments and tests, and please don’t take this as a mock 
But he thinks he has a woman’s disease and that he needs to wear a frock.


  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    Best wishes @Digger55
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    My heart hurts for you both. And can I say I loved your poem in spite of the gravity of what you are saying and the sorrow behind it. Best wishes for the treatment ahead and we understand xx
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Best wishes from me too.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @Digger55 we bring up time and again how men are left out of breast cancer promotion and the sea of  pink does make them feel so excluded. I hope all goes well with treatment and his quality of life improves again. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    I am so sorry to hear this diagnosis of your husband @Digger55 - you sound like a great team - and together you'll jump the hurdles.  Hopefully the meds will control the mets & you WILL have good times again - and that drink. xx

    Look forward to the pic in a frock!  ;) 

    Take care & ask away with any questions that you both  may have as we have a wealth of knowledge on the site. 
    All the best xx

  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115
    I am sorry to hear about what your husband is going thru, yes there is little acknowledgment  for the males in his situation , but he has you , just like I have my husband , the best is to have a rock to lean on and a partner who cares .
      Feel free to ask any questions we have all been thru  all the treatments in various shapes and forms , and there is a few guys on here that will be happy to help .

     All the best to both of you , 
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi @Digger55,
    This is a gender neutral support group for anyone diagnosed with BC. It's been very helpful for me and I hope you and your husband keep in touch and feel free to just vent or ask anything, like the rest of us here. All the best. x
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 237
    @Digger55, knockout poem! 

    But so sorry to hear what has happened. This is an amazing forum, touch base at any time,it doesn’t matter how big or small, there is a whole gang here to help!!

    lots of love Tinks xx