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Liver tumours

Joarden Member Posts: 57
edited March 2020 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi..just found out breast cancer has spread..took lymph nodes out too, and was ready for chemo, as a " curative plan"..scans just found it has spread yo liver!! Now biopsy to see if its related to BC, or separate. PETRIFIED!!! Has anyone experienced anything similar?.. TIA..:-((


  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    Sending you a big hug. That’s beyond crappy and I am so sorry you have to start all this with such a massive obstacle in your way. Just remember that treatment has come a long way and you will be strong enough to do this. That massive fog of fear will begin to lift when you have a plan. Xx
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 237
    The news must be so scary. Even more to take on board, so difficult, and more waiting. 

    @ddon is right, diagnosis and treatment has come a huge way in just a few years. Keep going every day, each day at a time, you got this.  Lots of hugs xx
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    unfortunately @ddon , and Tinks doctor didn't sound positive.. She said blood tests and biopsy next to see if its secondary to breast cancer, or just on its own..that will determine treatment..Thank you for the kind words, they really do help..up until scans, prognosis was great..Praying they can find a treatment plan to keep me around.. Our son is only 12..:-((..Take care, wishing you both a happy ending on your journey..
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 237
    Thinking of you. Here’s where you might even surprise yourself with your inner strength to get through these awful days of waiting and not knowing. Those of us on here know what that is like. You can do this! Hang in there. Lots of love xx Tinks.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It's not over until it's over @Joarden I can understand how you're feeling having a child who needs you around for a good while yet, but you're still here.  As the others have said, treatment has come a long way.  Take care.
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 93
    Hi @Joarden - I am terribly sorry to hear that your cancer has spread.  I just wanted to share with you an account on instagram that you might find comfort in connecting with.  Kate is a young Australian mum living in NZ who was also diagnosed with hormone positive breast cancer that has spread to her liver... https://www.instagram.com/theholisticnutritionist/  
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Thank you both. Hard to accept it yet, as it was looking really positive.. blood tests today, praying its not more, and some hope..Hope you are doing well,xxx
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    edited March 2020
    Hello @Joarden I am really sorry to hear your news, dont hesitate to call our helpline if you would like to speak with one of the cancer nurses for information and or support.  Our number is 1800 500 258.  Wishing you well,
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    What hours are they there please?? Desperate for information, no one open here till Monday..:-((..
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Joarden our phone number is 1800 500 258 regards Giovanna
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Joarden, I'm sending you positive, healing thoughts and prayers - and a big gentle hug. I have found that in times of heightened anxiety, mindful breathing techniques like the 4-7-8 breathing technique can help calm the nervous system pretty quickly. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324417 <3 It's weird, I know, but EFT Tapping also helps, in my experience https://www.healthline.com/health/eft-tapping#research  <3
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hi @Joarden we are open today from 9 am till 5 pm, will give you a call Giovanna
  • Lisa1407
    Lisa1407 Member Posts: 258
    So sorry to hear your  news @Joarden. Treatments for liver mets have come a long way in recent times. Will be thinking of you and hoping for good news. xxx
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Joarden checking in to see how you are going?
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Thank you Lisa1407...really hope they can help..hope things are going well for you.. xxx