post cancer diet
Since my bc diagnosis laat year i have been looking into whats the best diet in order to reduce the chances of recurrence. From what i have learnt its best to eliminate sugar, artificial sweetener, red meat alcohol and soy products which i have discovered is in pretty much everything. Has anyone else made significant…
Pregnancy after breast cancer trial
Hi Everyone I thought I would let you know about a clinical trial opening soon for women who wish to have a baby after breast cancer. The trial is called POSITIVE and will open in November in Western Australia. The researchers, led by breast surgeon Professor Christobel Saunders, are recruiting young women who wish to…
Checkups after BC
Hi Ladies just looking for some advice on having check-ups after BC. Had Invasive DCIS and DCIS in left breast in 2007 with a lumpectomy followed by radium and Tamoxifen and Femara fo 4.5 years. Then August 2014 had DCIS back in left breast and told I needed to have a mastectomy chose to have right breast off as well. Both…
Relay For Life
I've been named "Face of Relay" in the upcoming Relay For Life event on September 12th - 13th. It's all about raising awareness, getting together with family and friends, exercising and raising money for a cure for cancer. Townsville Bulletin Friday 21st August 2015
Don't Miss Out on BCNA's El Camino Trek!
Hi All Just a quick note to let everyone know there are strictly 4 places left for BCNA's El Camino Trek scheduled for May 2016. The El Camino will be BCNA's 5th overseas challenge trip with our travel partner Inspired Adventures and it is set to be remarkable! As part of this adventure, over 10 days you will discover the…
Today's Mantra
This meme was posted on Facebook today and all I can say is how true ... our individual journeys with breast cancer brings into our lives so many experiences beyond what we had ever imagined ... and my journey has only just begun. Time to really trust in the mystery of it all.
Comfortable Lingerie
Good morning ladies Firstly, a BIG THANK YOU to Robyn W for recommending the el cheapo $12 crop top pocket bra from Best n Less. Finding a store during the weekend I bought 2 bras to try. They have a great range, ever so feminine. Remove their thin filler and in goes your prosthesis. I did need to buy a larger size to get…
Cancer stole my self love :(
Hi Ladies, hoping for some help. I was diagnosed in Feb with Stage 2B invasive BC and since then I've had a double mastectomy and have just finished my 6th and final round of TAC Chemotherapy. Treatment has been very tough as I'm sure all of you who've been through it can relate to, but the hardest thing for me has been…
I'm back!
Well....I had a bit of a break from all things breast cancer and now after 8 months or so I'm feeling pretty great - and also wondering how everyone's getting on? My gorgeous husband & kids & I have just returned from a Sth Pacific cruise & a visit to Sydney which followed a trip to my oncologist for my scan results which…
Focusing on the Positives
Gorgeous Saturday here in Adelaide after a drizzly morning - had a visit from a friend and we sat in the garden where I verbally processed yesterday's news, focusing on the positives: 1) The lymph nodes are clear 2) Tumour contained in one lump which was removed last week 3) Additional surgery is PRECAUTIONARY due to a few…
anxiety, depression, tears +++++++++++++++++++++
Hi out there in BC land! I have just passed my 1st anniversary of BC. Like a lot of women I find the anxiety and worries hard to deal with. I did go to a councillor but didn't find it very helpful. I find the best people to talk to and share are friends who also have BC. That's my experience anyway, some may find it…
Hi All, It's coming up 5 weeks since I completed 14 months treatment. Today I went for my first mammogram since I was diagnosed in April 2014. I was anxious going to the appointment as I was scared that it was going to hurt as I have some lymphodeama. That breast was fine but it hurt like hell where my port is. After the…
Fear of recurrence - why now?
I'm currently 2.5 years cancer free, but all of a sudden I am finding it hard to deal with my fear of recurrence. I have never felt like this before. Every twinge of pain or ache makes my mind race but aside from that I'm looking the best I ever have and have never been so healthy. I don't know who to talk about this fear…
doctor visit
Afternoon I hope everyone is good. Today I went for my check up with my breast surgeon. It was fantastic to walk out of there with a smile on my face. We chatted about my treatment and had a laugh, it only feels like yesterday she was telling me I had bc. It is now about 18 months since diagnised, it has been one of the…
Facing Fear of Recurrence
Just a few thoughts. Sometimes I think that fear of recurrence is the biggest challenge to face, after bc diagnosis and treatment. It affects us all differently, at different times. When it preoccupies my thoughts, I try to put it in perspective and calmly remind myself that I am a survivor - before my head spins out of…