Checkups after BC

Hi Ladies just looking for some advice on having check-ups after BC. Had Invasive DCIS and DCIS in left breast in 2007 with a lumpectomy followed by radium and Tamoxifen and Femara fo 4.5 years. Then August 2014 had DCIS back in left breast and told I needed to have a mastectomy chose to have right breast off as well. Both breasts removed in September had expander in right breast in January followed by DIEP flap for left breast in June hoping to have my implant for R breast done in next eight weeks then followed by nipple reconstruction hopefully all finished by end of this year. I have asked my doctor about any checks I should be having done and she contacted my surgeon and he said they discussed this at a review meeting and said I would need no further checks. I feel I should be having some sort of yearly checks. Your views would be greatly appreciated.