Drains are out... and Chemo start date is 7th Oct
Today was a good day for me... drains are out and surgeon stated I have healed remarkably well nill infections - never to under-estimate good nutrition again for sure! Yay to my daily green juice :-) Chemo start date set for 7th Oct .. Boo ... Linda
Meditation and calming app
Hi all, I came across this app recently and it has fast become one of my favourites. I wish I had of known about it during my chemo or even during the early days of my diagnosis when the breast cancer mountain was still looming so large and I hadn't yet learned the best way to climb it. They have a free 7 day program that…
I had my mammogram on my birthday- 13th August, now less than a month later I've had surgery to remove the lump and the sentinel lymph node and have been told it hasn't spread to my lymph nodes but I need to have further surgery to remove more tissue. Everything has happened so quickly and it feels all very daunting,…
The Color Run
Tomorrow I take part in Adelaide's The Color Run - in my case however it will be a Color Walk as having had to undergo an additional cavity shaving last week and then experiencing complications when my chemo port was inserted that resulted in my lung collapsing 15% whereby a drain had to be inserted, I was only released…
Patience with 'New Normal'
Ok, right I haven't been on here in a while and hope there is only a few newbies. It's interesting that while faced with all the different steps of the adventure there was never really any chats or planning of what would be next once it's all done. I have found that yes there is adjustment to the new normal. Like…
Today feeling a little brighter
Hi all Thanks for your comments yesterday, i feel a better today. I received my new boob in the mail today. I found this to be a very funny thing, never have i been sent that before. So that is a first, on the down side as i am having two lymph glades removed from under my left arm, the nurse at the hospital told me i…
Today is my low day
Yesterday I went to work as I wait for my surgery on the 17th, I work with children aged 2 & 3 who have had quite a few different teachers over the past year. I needed to met the new teacher who would be taking care of my kids, i met her today and i realised that my class will be fine without me. This realisation made me…
Hello team, Today is R U OK day. I encourage you all to check in with your family and friends, to ask them how they really are. You know, really ask them. Eyeball them. And just ask. http://yourstruly.org.au/#/story This initiative is founded on the understanding that suicide prevention is an enormously complex and…
Morning Since my lumpectomy in June, I have been battling lymphedema and a seroma in my breast. I think the lymphedema is now under control but the breast nurse if pretty sure I have a seroma at the surgery site. They would rather leave it as is if possible while I am undergoing chemo. So far it isn't too tender and seems…
8 Months & Counting
So an update on what the past 8 months has been like for me! Diagnosed Dec 14 with MBC (bone mets) straight up. Treatment is tamoxfen, zoladex & xgeva (both monthly injections) this is still my first treatment. I spent my birthday, 20th August, in the cancer centre Fiona Stanley Perth, now this is a birthday i never…
after summit
* Hi all, * Steph, don't know if there is somewhere to post this? * I did active and we'll stream at the summit. * I started the conversation with my doctor this morning when I saw her to get medical clearance to do encore program, she had not heard of it before so she looked up web site. Also I printed off some…
Wearing a bra after reconstruction
Hi, I am 44 years old and had a bilateral mastectomy 12 months ago. Expanders were put in at the time but they got infected and had to come out. After going through the reconstruction process again, I have had the implant exchange to silicone 4 weeks ago. The plastic surgeon is being a little vague about whether I need to…
Anxiety affecting my day to day life
I was diagnosed with BC November 2014. After 8 months of treatment I am now NED. I continue treatment now with herceptin and hormone therapy. I had issues with anxiety before I was diagnosed but I now I feel worse then ever before. Anxiety is dramatically affecting my day to day life. My GP has prescribed medication but I…
I wouldn't put such a negative post up except for the fact I am just desperate, one week today since first dose of Docs and it has been shocking. Relentless constipation despite movicol and coloxyl and send, a horrendous rash around neck and top of shoulders that does even go away with Clarityne and a hydracortisol cream.…
My Green Tea Story
Hello ladies Reading todays West Australian and saw an article on machi (I think) - or green tea leaves. Sure they said the cancer foundation had agreed that green tea was good for cancer patients. Reminded me of this: My daughter works in an nursing home. She had commented quite a few times over a couple of years, on a…