Today feeling a little brighter

Hi all
Thanks for your comments yesterday, i feel a better today. I received my new boob in the mail today. I found this to be a very funny thing, never have i been sent that before. So that is a first, on the down side as i am having two lymph glades removed from under my left arm, the nurse at the hospital told me i couldnt wear my wedding band anymore or my enagement ring. This has set me off in tears again, why i dont know. After checking it looks like i might just have to have them resized to allow for swelling.
My work has also pissed me off today, i have already taken leave to look after myself. They have been great about this. I am a Child care Educator taking care of 2-3 year olds, my families and i have build strong relationships over the year and my head office in their wisdom have decided not to tell the parents what is happening to me, i have given them permission to breach my privacy to explain my illness. The biggest stuff up is that they wont even allow me to keep my work friends informed. I think they have handled this poorly the whole way through.
On the plus side today my husband and I told our youngest children aged 8 and 5 that i am going into hospital to have my sick breast taken away to make mummy feel better and they took it really well. So that was easier than i thought.
Well tomorrow is going to be great I am having a PJ day with my 5 year old daughter
Hey Sharon, getting boobs in the mail is not an everyday occurrence! Glad you found a chuckle in that one.
i too found the not being able to wear my wedding rings really distressing, I've never taken my band off ever in my marriage, not even for surgerys, just had it tapped up, it really really bothered me that it wasn't close to me anymore that I couldn't wear particularly my wedding band, but my other rings as well that all have special meanings, my hubby bought me a thick long gold chain, so now I wear them close around my neck, it has helped with feeling of distress. Maybe you could get a chain? There's comfort having them close
good luck