This is the third time I have sat down to catch up with all the ladies who have ABC, the first two times I had nearly finished writing and both times have lost the lot!!! if it happens again, thats it, Im sorry but I will no longer even try.
Anyway on a happier note, the reason for this is to say hi to every one and just let all those ladies with abc know if they are interested, the NSW Cancer Council has a wonderful initiative called the NSW CANCER COUNCIL SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN WITH ADVANCED BREAST CANCER we are linked via telephone every two weeks and its a safe and comforting place to chat with other women all over australia, especially rural women, who are unable to get to a support group or as a added bonus, its the only one that I know of, I live in country SA and love the opportunity every 2nd Tuesday to catch up and have a chat, you can talk, you can just listen its up to you, but for an hour its a lovely place to chat about anything and everything, its all confidential and run by two group facilitators,the number is 1300755632so if anyone is interested pleas think about it.
Its been 27 months since my diagnosis of stage 4 abc with mets in my bones and liver, there was no early diagnosis, just straight into the medical merry go round, currently I am on a combo of affinitor and aromicin and have been for a year, it hasnt been without its ups and downs but Im still here, it will be my 60th birthday next month and Im planning on being around for a long time yet,we have just started a Yorke Peninsula Pink Ladies group here in our regional town of Kadina, its in its infancy but we are already planning a girls night in for october 21st to raise funds for cancer research, its going to be a pyjama party so that should be interesting.
I read all the stories via several websites and really admire the women who go on to do extrodinary things with their lives during and post cancer, I have so say that I am not one of them, and at first I felt that I should be doing more, but have come to the realization that this is me and my life and I am dealing with cancer as best as I can, I have a wonderful partner, for whom I am very grateful, not many men would run a bath and pick you up and put you in it at 4am, its was after my last chemo round and I had a very bad reaction,both ends, so there I was on the toilet with my head in a bucket, so afterwoods my beautiful man just picked me up and placed me in a lovely warm bath, and then put me back to bed, cant get better than that.
Any way on a lighter note, spring has sprung its 24 degrees outside and all is well in my world, at least as well as it can be, so I have had my say and will sign off for now and HOPE that I can post this,
wendy 55
Hi Wendy so glad your post worked, it is frustrating when things don't work. We all deal with bc our own way and it sounds like you have your hands full, sounds like you have a wonderful partner, it is amazing how they step up to the plate.
Blue skies and warmer weather is a releif, I'm so sick of grey skies and the cold. Take care
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Hi Wendy
Congratulations on finally getting your post to stay there ! I have found that happens to me and 'they' say it is because I have an old system (not all of us can afford to upgrade, though) so I now put things into Word, then go into the BCNA website and copy and paste (using the right mouse button) so if it does not work I still have the document and can try again without retyping the lot !!
Congratulations on getting the Yorke group going - see, you are achieving more than you realize.
I have recommended your post as I am sure many ladies will be keen to access the NSW Helpline.
Roll on next month when you can kick up your heels and celebrate the big 60. I was not keen on that benchmark but my friend said to "concentrate on getting your Seniors Card and the financial benefit". So, I did, and I am there ! Happy Birthday for whatever date.
Keep smiling - and keep appreciating your wonderful partner.
Summer :-)
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Hi Wendy, Ann-Marie from BCNA here - I wanted to introduce myself and say hello
Thank you for sharing this post! So many members in our Online Network are going to benefit from reading this. What a wonderful initiative it is. Are you a member of the "Living with advanced/secondary breast cancer" group? I'm sure the members of this group would like to read about this as well if they haven't already seen it. If you are a member you can write a post straight into the group. When you click on "Post" the groups you are part of will drop down, and you can select where you would like your post to go.
Have you thought about setting the "Yorke Peninsula Pink Lady group" up on our website? Under "Understanding breast cancer" we have a section called "Find services and support in your area". This is a place where members of the Online Network or people visiting the website can find out about support and services in their area, just worth the thought.
I hope you have had a lovely weekend and the weather has been nice for you. In Melbourne it has been beautiful!
Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
~Ann-Marie x
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Hi Wendy
thats been happening to me too on a regular basis. Either it won't let me post or it just stops letting me type and I cannot therefore finish my posts. Gggrrrr very frustrating.
i hope you are planning something very special for your 60th. Maybe do something special with that lovely partner of yours! All the best. Karen xox
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Waving Wendy,
You have inspired me!!! I have been getting some messages and now seeing your post today I have decided to act.. I have written a blog about losing posts and also where did that post end up?? I am hoping it can help you out, I sooo dont want you to stop posting xoxox NSWCC is awesome and the telephone linkup is so very important I think it helps so many and especially those who are further out into the country.. and having your recommendation should also get ladies thinking about checking it out.
Snap, bones, liver, Affinitor and Exemestane!! I am really happy you are saying a year so far as I have only been on it for a few months and hope to get a long way with this combo.. I find it can be 'interesting' to say the least but at the moment, not spending time in hospital due to treatment is a total bonus so I persist. whoo hoo.. Happy birthday in advance!! 60 is a lovely number and I hope you have the most amazing time.. (I would be doing a birthday week!!!). I am working towards my 50th next June.
You have certainly been busy! I bet the PJ party with your new group will be a great night and hope it goes without a hitch (even with a hitch it just means you can laugh more later!!)
I am sending hugs to your partner as he sounds amazing.. and speaking of amazing, you may think you need to do more but just stop and read your post, you are sharing great info to help others, are a member of a new group and also having a fundraising night.. that is great and whatever you choose to do or not do, that is alright as there is no right or wrong. Each cancer diagnosis is different and some women can still run marathons (no, I am certainly not one of them - turtles are not great at that!!) You are right to see it as it is what it is and I can do what I can do.. The 'new normal' or SBC can be daunting and just when you think you have it sorted it can kick you in the teeth and you have to start again.. That is the bonus of this forum, we get it and there is no judgement or pointing fingers.. Just nodding of the head and an understanding..
so I am sending de-frustrating hugs that are full of more spring weather and hope.. because Spring is awesome and hope always there.
hugs, Sharon.. (pink66)
see, Spring is awesome!!!!!0