After treatment

Hello everyone
I'm coming up to 4 years since diagnosis which ironically was on pink ribbon day- mastectomy, ancillary clearance, 6 months chemotherapy and 6 weeks radiotherapy.
It's hard to comprehend that this actually happened. As we can all relate, a full on whirlwind. After 12 months of treatment and holding down a job through it all, I decided to resign a few months ago to give myself some much needed time out.
As someone mentioned on this site I'm trying to break free of the pressures that are put on people who experience cancer. How it can define us to some people. The pressures I'm personally feeling is the expectations and assumptions from family, some friends, work colleagues, clients. It's been a constant battle of reassuring people that I'm fine, I best not eat that because of this, did you drink alcohol before you got cancer? Were you stressed? Over weight ? Hoping out for dinner with people and feeling the eyes checking up on what I'm eating or drinking of wine. Goodness forbid should I have a glass of wine or eat fried food! I'm bloody over it. If I didn't do all these things it would still be my fault for getting cancer. Like I must have brought it on myself. Do some people think they are actually immune from getting cancer?! I'm embarking on a year off to step right back and move away for a while to get away from it all. To work in a different industry to somehow re-invent and have some present conversations. Don't get me wrong I've friends that care deeply for me but it can be hard going at times. The reassuring of everyone else! I embarked on every treatment regime to make sure I got it all. I even here amongst some people who's friend has passed away from cancer things like " oh maybe she shouldn't have had radiotherapy. It seems no matter what you do society will still think there was a reason you got cancer. Thank you for allowing me to get this off my chest - no pun intended!
All the best, Donna
Hi Donna
Yes, great insight. People need explanations, need to blame, and so far there is no answer as to why we get cancer. The reactions we get might have a lot to do with their fear of cancer.
Good luck with your new venture - hey can I call it a journey!!!! Lucky you cant throw something at me through the screen hey.
Best wishes
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Hi Donna, Nodded through every word. it is an amazing phenomenon to watch. Pre cancer i bet nobody took any notice of what you did or did not do.!!! And had no opinion. It is amazing how everyone is a cancer specialist post diagnosis.!!! And the my friends cousins mother died stories. ...really?
Reading pams comnent... i raise you a journey and see you with a 'gift'.. yep. Luckily screens are not two way.. lol.
But on a serious note... good on you for calling time out to work on you.
Wishing you
every happiness as you sort it all out
Hugs Sharon (pink66) xxxx