Tomorrow 9am get verdict from last DCIS removal. I have anxiety, ptsd. Has anyone here fainted or had panic attack at surgeon/Oncologist? I ended in hospital last year, passing out due to stress. I'm not good at this.
I am 50 and perimenopausal. Paternal grandmother and aunt both had breast cancer and eventually died. During usual annual ultrasound/mammogram, screening they found a very small (under 1cm) , oval, well circumscribed lesion. so have to have biopsy. not able to be found on self examination. Already convinced I am dying and…
Happy Birthday for 29 August to @mg2
Wishing you a very happy Birthday dear @mg2
Happy Birthday for 27 August to @"Annie C"
Big Birthday wishes to @Annie C for today Have a great day xox
This week
Hello everyone, last Monday had to have an aspiration due to swelling. Then Thursday morning had DCIS removed, they filled my breast with local anesthesic, went home after 5 hours. Pain started getting worse, then swelling. My so called partner just said take panadol & Celebrex. That didn't work. After a while the Pain was…
27th August - Best Wishes & a BIG Happy Birthday @AnnieC
Wishing you the happiest of days on this, your 'special day' @Annie C I hope you've got your feet up & enjoying some sewing or knitting, being waited on hand & foot, wine glass in hand! ;) Thank you for being my friend xx
Travel Insurance
Hi I’m Debby and new to this forum. Also new to breast cancer. I have Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and am currently on a clinical trial in Perth. I want to travel to UK and Europe next year but after watching the latest webcast, realised that it could be difficult getting travel insurance. Is there anyone out there…
Welcome New Members - 26th August 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @HelenYoungBCWARRIOR @Looner @arpha875 @Debby @SusanHarry67 @Shells30 @JoHobbs @roxmoxen @Seaturtle @mmell2 @JJ9 @Ninanani @Ly_6027 @TulipGirl @LatinGaby @Michelle_R123 @Jojo106 @RKC_86 @Hermione @SueX You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s…
Living well with breast cancer online Information Forum
BCNA will be hosting an online Information Forum for people living with breast cancer and their supporters - Living well with breast cancer online Information Forum (bcna.org.au) The Information Forum will cover a range of topics including the latest in breast cancer treatment, managing your emotional wellbeing after a…
25 August is @Linda258au Birthday - hooray!
Wishing you every happiness for today @Linda258au I hope that you have a wonderful day filled with joy and happiness Best wishes <3
Happy Birthday wishes for 25 August to @janeys25
Wishing you a very happy birthday @janeys25 I hope that you have a lovely day
DCIS post surgery pain
I had DCIS removed this morning. Have taken panadol & Palaxia but still have acute pain in this normal?
Lymph node calcification
Hello! It's been 4 years since I found I had grade 1 IDC which was removed with a lumpectomy. I had my routine scans yesterday which apparently showed calcification of one or some lymph nodes on the same side that my cancer was found last time. I had radiation back then, and 2 lymph nodes removed and checked, which were…
Hello! I am 65 and have just been through the fastest week in my lifetime. I have never had any health issues and have stopped drinking and exercise etc etc, because my husband has PPMS and I am his carer. Last Monday I was given the results of breast biopsies from the previous week - not good news - early stage breast…
Autologous Fat Grafting
Hi there, I'm due to have Autologous FG in early September following a DIEP flap where I lost about 50% of the foob due to a clot. I'm wondering for those people who have had this can you advise about your post op? I've been told by the Doc no driving for 7-10 days. I'm wondering about other things- were you restricted in…