Living well with breast cancer online Information Forum

[Deleted User]
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edited September 2022 in General discussion

BCNA will be hosting an online Information Forum for people living with breast cancer and their supporters - Living well with breast cancer online Information Forum (

The Information Forum will cover a range of topics including the latest in breast cancer treatment, managing your emotional wellbeing after a breast cancer diagnosis, and how you can live well during treatment and beyond. 

It will also be an opportunity to hear about what BCNA does and the services and resources we have available to support you. 

Please note that this forum will explore the insights and perspectives of people affected by breast cancer living in Wagga Wagga, with some of the content tailored to the local support available in and around this particular area. 

Guest speakers will include Medical Oncologist Dr Belinda Keily, Wagga Wagga Breast Care Nurses Sue Munroe and Monica Jessop, Director Supportive Care Services at Cancer Council Tasmania Sarah De Jonge,  Exercise Physiologist Samantha Jones, and Physiotherapist and Lymphoedema Therapist Stuart McKenzie.  

There will be three information sessions – one for people with early breast cancer, one for people with metastatic breast cancer and one about maintaining health and wellbeing during a breast cancer diagnosis and beyond.  

Living well with early breast cancer

Date: Monday 29 August  

Time: 6.00pm - 8.15pm AEST 

Registration: Please register via Redback  

Living well with metastatic breast cancer

Date: Tuesday 30 August  

Time: 6.00pm - 8.15pm AEST 

Registration: Please register via Redback  

Living well with breast cancer: Health and wellbeing

Date: Thursday 8 September  

Time: 6.00pm - 8.15pm AEST 

Registration: Please register via Redback 


  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,179
    Have you registered for our online Information Forum?

    Some of the speakers include Breast Care Nurses Sue Munroe and Monica Jessop, Director Supportive Care Services at Cancer Council Tasmania Sarah De Jonge, Medical Oncologist Dr Belinda Keily, Exercise Physiologist Samantha Jones, and Physiotherapist and Lymphoedema Therapist Stuart McKenzie.

    Some of the content will be tailored to explore the insights of those living in Wagga Wagga and surrounding areas, however we will also cover topics that are relevant to anyone living with a breast cancer diagnosis.