Travel Insurance

Debby Member Posts: 3
Hi I’m Debby and new to this forum. Also new to breast cancer. I have Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and am currently on a clinical trial in Perth. I want to travel to UK and Europe next year but after watching the latest webcast, realised that it could be difficult getting travel insurance. Is there anyone out there with metastatic breast cancer who can recommend any particular company?


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Debby, travel insurance has come up in posts before. Not sure if they are on the exact point you raise but if you use the search function you will see several conversations on travel insurance. Might have to go through them all but there may be good tips. I know covermore or A1 cover are good insurers but you would have to check the fine print for your situation. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Debby.  What exactly do you want to cover - your travel in case of cancellation, cost of medical return due to illness, medical treatment when away ?  As @Cath62 said, there have been a few posts re travel insurance and I seem to remember the name Covermore coming up.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,299
    edited August 2022
    Welcome to the 'club that no-one wants to join', @Debby - check this post out, for lots of info on the blog & how it may help you xx. take care

    I used Covermore when my husband & I travelled to the UK in 2016 (hubby had had major stomach cancer surgery in 2010) and nothing untoward happened, so didn't have to claim for anything.

    Shortly after my surgery in 2018, I used them again for travel to Norfolk Island .... a few others added bits about their experiences as well ....

    All the best xx
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2022
    im Plotting for a trip to UK and maybe Italy next year .I’d love to go,to other European countries as well but I’m not prepared to take the risk of,getting a cancer related complication in a non reciprocal country as I cannot afford to be $$$$$$ out of pocket with medical,expenses .a simple blood,infection or a new secondary popping up would cause major grief if in wrong country -it’s not a simple as saying hop in the next plane home and then get treatment .

     I know others take the risk and go , without any cover as stage 4 basically cannot get medical,cover for anything cancer related .  Im basically stable with only one bone secondary L3 , now radiated and that site now effectively “dead”. Having treatment with herceptin and perjeta to hold it all at bay . If you don’t state cancer on any insurance you’d run risk of invalidating all insurance if it should become evident you were less than forthcoming and ended up in hospital. 

    I’m thinking covermore myself - have used them before cancer , with no issues when I claimed ( once a lost camera, second time medical expenses with flu treated on a cruise ) 

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I appreciate the caution and with COVID still around, it’s sensible to be so. I found Covermore good in the past  - the main issue seemed to be hospitalisation. I haven’t needed to examine policies for metastatic cancer but I’d check out Covermore for starters. Best wishes. 
  • Debby
    Debby Member Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate your help and support.
  • Debby
    Debby Member Posts: 3
    Hi All
    Just an update re travel insurance. I tried a couple of companies. One refused to cover me at all! I went with Covermove which seems to be the cover that has been recommended on this forum but l could not get cover for BC with them. BC travellers seem to be on their own, having to take the risk that nothing cancer related will happen while overseas or don’t travel!
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2022
    Yes my understanding is that if you’re stage 4 breast cancer you won’t be able to get any cover for a cancer related medical condition that may crop
    up when you’re travelling overseas so im
    looking at reciprocal country travel
    for overseas . ( eg nz - uk - Italy ) 
    Drs here can only give you overall ok to go , no one can guarantee you it won’t crop up whilst overseas,  and you may not be fit enough to hop on a plane and return home for treatment . I’d love to go back to USA and see parts of Europe but am not prepared to risk huge costs if I have to pay for my own medical care there