
Cora Member Posts: 110
Tomorrow 9am get verdict from last DCIS removal. I have anxiety, ptsd. Has anyone here fainted or had panic attack at surgeon/Oncologist? I ended in hospital last year, passing out due to stress. I'm not good at this. 


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    My anxiety was through the roof at various times .
    I did some meditation years ago when working full time in a high stress job and after my BC diagnosis took it up again - it helped a lot .
    Even doing deep breathing is a help .

  • Cora
    Cora Member Posts: 110
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    The stress and anxiety is real. One year after my diagnosis and treatment I went for my mammogram and ultrasound. Logically I knew after all that treatment it would be ok but my anxiety was off the chart. During my ultrasound I cried. Actually I wept. When I left the ultrasound room I was ok. 

    With all that anxiety it is helpful to put some strategies in place like walking or other exercise, meditation is amazing and really helps but there is also yoga and mindfulness. Even taking slow deep breaths helps. You could also see a counsellor to help too. They really are helpful and probably could give you other strategies to get through all this. 

    I hope you are ok @Cora and I hope your results are ok too. Do you have someone to go with you to your appointments? That is a good thing to do as when you are anxious it hard to concentrate. Let us know how you get on if you like. Thinking of you today 💐. Take care
  • Cora
    Cora Member Posts: 110
    Thankyou Kath62. I ended up taking CBD oil, which kept me calm, but cried later outside on my partners chest. Verdict, surgeon recommended mastectomy & Hormone Blocker. I'm still in shock. I've read so many discussions on Hormone Blockers. I'm 8 months into my relationship & worried it will interfere with everything. Sorry for rambling.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    @Cora, you are not rambling at all. When you get the diagnosis and treatment plan it is all so overwhelming. It is very hard at the start of your breast cancer journey. I think we all probably stressed a great deal at the beginning. 

    Having a new relationship with all this makes it a challenge but if your partner is good for you they will support you and be there all the way. If they aren't supportive then they aren't right for you.

    Finding out your treatment is a big deal and it takes time to process of all. Many of us get counselling and maybe that's something for you to consider. I saw a psychologist who had also had breast cancer and it was really helpful for dealing with all the emotions. It is hard for love ones too so maybe they may want to get help as well.

    Right now you must put yourself first no matter what. Everyone else's needs must come second even your partners.

    It feels better know the cancer is cut out once surgery is done. But it is still alot to process for sure hence suggesting seeking counselling. 

    In terms of the hormone blockers you may or may not get side effects. Some people do and some don't. I was ok for a year and a half on tamoxifen and then all of a suggesting I had some really bad side effects. I spoke to my oncologist about it and they gave me a 6 wk break from them. Wow that felt good. Now I am on Letrozole and have been taking it for over a month now and so far so good  except a little weight gain. 

    I guess what I am saying about hormone blockers is you may not get any side effects but if you do talk to your dr. Maybe they can change it. There are always things that can be done so you don't suffer too much. 

    Feel free to ask questions and stay in touch with this online support. It really helped me get through everything.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    We all have what I call factory settings. They are the default when we are challenged, excited, confused etc. 

    Age and experience gives us an insight into how we are likely to behave in a variety of situations. It's possible to mitigate your response while still recognising what your natural inclination or previous history is.

    Breathe. Don't grieve in anticipation. Know yourself and realise that while you have no control over your circumstances, you do have some agency over what you do. Mxx