Sth east and bayside social group get together
Hey girls , just a reminder for our get together for Saturday 17th August at The charman cafe charman rd Cheltenham at 10.30 so looking forward to it girls I will wear a pink scarf so you will know me, and any ladies that want to join us even if your not in our group please feel free to come. Regards adean
BCNA summit
Hi all just returned from the summit in sydney ,Thank you thank you to BCNA for giving me the chance to go , one of the most amazing pick me up I've ever had. Thanks to all the great ladies who came and said hi to me you know who you are girls. I have never been more loved by complete strangers. I've come home different.…
Claw Hands - 80% GONE !!!!
I don't know if this will help others, but I do know that many are suffering from the pain and stiffness train that is chemo and/or ovary removal.. Some days, I could not use my hands at all and for most of the day. I have been working overtime to get mine as sorted as possible and I have had an amazing 80% improvement…
Would like to make contact with any other sister out there in blog land who have the rare malignant PHYLLODES tumour....like me.... I'm slowly recovering from two operations to remove the lump. I live in NSW in a suburb of Sydney but I don't think it matters where you are. Please talk to me :)
False cheerfulness cheeses me off!
I'm going to just say it because it is really getting to me this week! I get really frustrated when people who I love dearly, try to cheer me up by being really jovial when really they are just as upset and down about this situation as I am. How do I let them know in a nice way that I would rather they were honest about…
My first blog...
Hi all, Looking for support as I am about to start chemo very soon, followed by radiation and hormone therapy. I have breast cancer that spread to 4 lymph nodes..I have had surgery and now I am really scared about the whole "treatment" plan. I am also suffering from sciatica which has been quite debilitating. Currently on…
Hi. I have never been involved in blogging before so please forgive me for any wrong doing it is/not intended. Here I go...... I was diagnosed with early breast cancer 3rd October 2010. I remember this date because it was my son's 25th birthday. To this day I have not told him this. I feel there is no need. As soon as I…
Introducing myself
Hi there I felt a lump went to Dr arranged ultrasound for the following week, while there a Dr came in saying it has cancer characteristics we need a core biopsy now. That was a month ago and I'm going for bcs in 2 weeks, Dr said chemo and radiation will follow, also hormone therapy. I have my pre admission this week and…
Mastectomy Bras
Hi Ladies, Does anyone have any Websites in Australia that have a variety of mastectomy bras? I am looking for a really good sports bra, and am having trouble finding anything suitable, Thanks
To be honest, I should had asked more questions and researched more rather than sticking my head in the sand to begin with. I am coming to terms with the words being used around me and have a meeting with my Dr this Friday. I am trying to be better prepared, you know, understand the terminology, list of questions, got an…
Seeking women from a Greek background
We met with some amazing women from Italian cultural backgrounds last week and gained insight into how we can inform and support women with breast cancer who prefer to speak Italian. A big thank you to those ladies who participated! This week we are running a focus group with women from a Vietnamese background and one with…
Hi, my name is Laura and I am 34 years old and have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer for the 2nd time. I am hoping to communicate/meet people who are experiencing similar feelings and emotions as I am
Just as well we own a reasonably reliable car because, so far my supportive husband has driven over 2,000kms in taking me to appointments. He has spent just shy of 2 weeks in motel accommodation while I have spent 8 days in hospital and off work for oh about two months. Our health fund has been pretty good as has the…
Community Nurses
I forgot to mention that you should be able to have free access to Community Nurses at any stage you require support at home. They were fantastic, and I used their help when I was having to inject myself with the Neulasta Injections. They came to my home for free. They also consistently rang to check how I was.…