Lost toe nails
Hi, It's been 10 weeks since I finished Chemo, & 7 weeks since I finished Radiation, today I lost my last toe nail, no it has not hurt they have being coming off for the last three weeks, just wondering if anyone else has had that happen to them, my ? is how long do they take to grow back.. I now have eye lashes & a little…
Register4 seeking research participants
Register4, is seeking participants for a research project on 'Sexuality after breast cancer'. The project is focused on a common symptom experienced by breast cancer survivors after treatment - vaginal dryness. This project is looking for breast cancer survivors, 18 years and over, living in Victoria who currently suffer…
Recovery after radiotherapy
Greetings to everyone out there , this is my first attempt at a blog. Have achieved the goal I set before lumpectomy and starting radiotherapy - to survive it and go to JC Superstar and jostle with the giant crowd at the Entertainment Centre (managed it holding out one elbow to fend people off that tender tit). Achieved…
Recovery Surgery Pillows
hi, i have 2 purple pillows that the breast care nurses gave to me when I was recovering from my bilateral mastectomy. I found these really helpful when I was travelling in a car as the seatbelt sat right across my chest. They can also be used to cushion your arms from your drains. I would like to donate these to someone…
Help us, help Australians with breast cancer
Hello everyone, Once a year, BCNA invites our supporters to make a tax-deductible donation to help us continue to provide free information and support to Australians affected by breast cancer. Every day this year, 41 Australians will be told they have breast cancer. As a BCNA member, you know how it feels and what it means…
Feeling Good
Hi Lady's Day three into my chemo and I feel good. A bit tired which is expected , but otherwise i'm good. Fingers crossed it will stay this way. Thank you for all the msgs and tips it really helped. Thank you Jitka
New financial and practical assistance fact sheet now available!
Hi all, I thought I would let you know that BCNA has just launched our new Financial and Practical Assistance fact sheet for women. It outlines a range of benefits, subsidies and services that may be available for you and your family to help reduce the financial impact of breast cancer. We hope that the fact sheet is…
Appropriate liability insurance to cover Pink Lady events
Hi girls, I have just registered to hold a Mini Field in Launceston during Octpber 2013 and received three pages of info about the Community Fundraising Guidelines. In this a section covers Legal Matters and it is advised that we have to get appropriate liability insurance to cover the Pink Lady event, as BCNA insurance…
Hi, I'm 36 and recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy and lymphnotes taken out. I start my chemo in two days and I'm petrified of this. Even though I know it has to be done. Can someone please talk to me in regards to this and their experience to see what i should expect. Thank you
A day to say good-bye to a friend
Well, here I am, just finished my Breast Cancer Treatment and ready to go into recovery and regain my energy, and what do you know, a close friend passes away suddenly. Life just keeps on happening, regardless doesnt it girls! I want to thank every one for their lovely words of support all the way through my treatment and…
donation of breast prosthesis
Hello, now I have had my reconstruction I no longer need my falsie. I think I have heard of an organisation that collects these(I also have large bras that I no longer fit)and sends them overseas to disadvantaged women. Does anyone know about this? thanks, Julia
Hi there
Hi everyone, I'm 51 and was diagnosed with TNBC following my first routine BreastScreen scan on the 19th of June 2013. I have four lesions, all located in my left breast. At first they weren't sure if this was my primary cancer due to my pathology so I had an MRI, bone scan and CT scan in the first week after I saw the…
Herbal medicine,maybe can help us pink ladies
Hi I'm Mafe,34 yrs old from Caloundra Queensland, I was diagnosed last April 7,2013...ductal carcinoma stage 3,HER2+.I had left breast removed last 22 of May.I had 2 beautiful daughters 14 and 8 yrs old.Im originally from Philippines so please understand my English if not so good.I moved here last 2011.I been reading most…
Changes to the online network
[Edited: 20 August 2013 - Changes have now been deployed] Hi all, We're planning to deploy some new code to the website early next week, so I just wanted to let you know in advance as you might notice some small changes. One of the changes you'll notice is that we plan to switch the display of the ‘Latest BCNA Posts’ and…
hello I am new
Hi I live in Narre Warren & I had an op on the 18th july for early breast cancer , I had to have a repeat op 10 days later as through pahtology more cancer was found and yesterday I was informed that I have to have yet another op My surgoen is trying to conserve the breast but if this doesnt work I will be going back for a…