Recovery after radiotherapy

Greetings to everyone out there , this is my first attempt at a blog. Have achieved the goal I set before lumpectomy and starting radiotherapy - to survive it and go to JC Superstar and jostle with the giant crowd at the Entertainment Centre (managed it holding out one elbow to fend people off that tender tit). Achieved thison the weekend and what a fantastic show! Nevertheless the tit is still sore after finishing radio late April. Can anyone fill me in on the way the healing goes after this? Thanks MD
Welcome to this wonderful site. The first time I had radiation I faired pretty well. (a nice brown boob to use as a party trick). I was extremely tired at the end though. I have never felt such exhaustion. Second time around I paced myself better and the exhaustion was more manageable. I did have some issues with my skin as the same area was re-radiated. All manageable though. Due to the area having double radiation I do have lymphodema which I manage as well. I live with pain and need regular lymphatic massage to assist. It is al manageable though and I love lif and don't let anything stop me from achieving what I want to do. Sure there are considerations but not limitations. Be kind to yourself is the best advice that I could give you. XLeonie
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Welcome to this wonderful site. The first time I had radiation I faired pretty well. (a nice brown boob to use as a party trick). I was extremely tired at the end though. I have never felt such exhaustion. Second time around I paced myself better and the exhaustion was more manageable. I did have some issues with my skin as the same area was re-radiated. All manageable though. Due to the area having double radiation I do have lymphodema which I manage as well. I live with pain and need regular lymphatic massage to assist. It is al manageable though and I love lif and don't let anything stop me from achieving what I want to do. Sure there are considerations but not limitations. Be kind to yourself is the best advice that I could give you. XLeonie
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I haven't been to this website for a while. I'm back at work now.You're right - the tenderness is giving way to a permanent feeling of having a foregn object sewn on that side. Being busy helps you ignore it. I must have been slack with the arm stretches above the head because its pulling and hurting under the arm when I reach up high. This was okay before radiotherapy though. I hope you're going okay, best wishes Marilynd