
I'm 36 and recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy and lymphnotes taken out. I start my chemo in two days and I'm petrified of this. Even though I know it has to be done. Can someone please talk to me in regards to this and their experience to see what i should expect.
Thank you
Welcome to the website and I am sorry to hear what you are going through.
Interestingly we are all scared of chemo, I read it time after time on here and I so remember feeling petrified of it, I was so happy when my oncologist told me that I didn't need chemo and then when she said no that was incorrecxt I would need it my world came crashing down.
I finished my chemo in April and like the others I survived it, its no walk in the park but I kept focusing on the good it would do me.
MY advice for anyone facing chemo, take all the meds given to you don't be a hero, drink plenty of fluids, have diarrhoea meds on hand just incase, hydrating drinks in the fridge, anti nausea meds and rest as much as you possibly can.
For me I found the dex was an issue, if I rushed out of bed I would vomit and the extreme fatigue was scary, at day 5 I would get diarrhoea but all these things were manageable.
I am now 3 weeks into my radiation and chemo is a memory.
Take care and good luck with your treatment.
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Welcome Jitkai
Chemo is different for everyone, we all react differently to the Chemo depending on a variety of things, i.e. fitness, health, chemo 'drugs', etc.
I know mine was not as bad as I envisioned it prior to treatment starting. All those horror stories you hear about, my fear factor was universal. Yes you do get sick and feel like crap, but talk to your drs about it and use the 'feel better' drugs. My advice is:
1) Take each day one at a time
2) Try to go outside and walk if possible, even if its just to the mailbox and back
3) While undergoing chemo try to stay away from any fav foods you may have especially a few days around each cycle. Subconciously for some reason your mind relates that food to chemo and feeling sick. I can't go near Subway.
4) Don't be strong if you don't feel it. Allow yourself to cry or get angry. This is normal.
Hope this helps, Take care of you & lots of love
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Welcome Jitkai
Chemo is different for everyone, we all react differently to the Chemo depending on a variety of things, i.e. fitness, health, chemo 'drugs', etc.
I know mine was not as bad as I envisioned it prior to treatment starting. All those horror stories you hear about, my fear factor was universal. Yes you do get sick and feel like crap, but talk to your drs about it and use the 'feel better' drugs. My advice is:
1) Take each day one at a time
2) Try to go outside and walk if possible, even if its just to the mailbox and back
3) While undergoing chemo try to stay away from any fav foods you may have especially a few days around each cycle. Subconciously for some reason your mind relates that food to chemo and feeling sick. I can't go near Subway.
4) Don't be strong if you don't feel it. Allow yourself to cry or get angry. This is normal.
Hope this helps, Take care of you & lots of love
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Hi, as you said it is something that has to be done and I guess the best way to get through it is to be thankful that this horrid experience is available to keep us safe. I hated the thought of chemo and cried through most of my first dose. I think the fear of what it might be doing to me was unproportionally exagerated in my mind as when you look around we seem to all survive it.
Be kind to yourself. Do things you can and try to keep in touch with family and friends. I didn't go out into public places as I was paranoid of catching germs when my immunity was so low but I used the internet, facebook and email to keep in touch with friends and family. i watched lots of movies and just being able to have someone else take over the housework or meals is a good idea.
You will get through this. It is a hard road but it will be do-able. The doctors and nurses keep a good eye on you and if you have any problems you should be able to ring them and get help.
Keep your head up and keep positive. This is going to mean you will be able to enjoy life more fully and for many years once it is over.
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Thank you so much for your suggestions. And yes it is good that the insurance is here, so hopefully we never have to go through this again. I know I will survive this like everyone else, but it's nice to talk to woman that are feeling the same as I do. When all this started I fealt so alone. Even though I have the best family support I can ask for. My husband has been wonderfull with all this. And keeps me positive. But when I'm alone you are alone with all the thoughts. So thank you, becouse your email has helped me a lot.
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Thank you so much for your suggestions. And yes it is good that the insurance is here, so hopefully we never have to go through this again. I know I will survive this like everyone else, but it's nice to talk to woman that are feeling the same as I do. When all this started I fealt so alone. Even though I have the best family support I can ask for. My husband has been wonderfull with all this. And keeps me positive. But when I'm alone you are alone with all the thoughts. So thank you, becouse your email has helped me a lot.
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Thank you so much for your suggestions. And yes it is good that the insurance is here, so hopefully we never have to go through this again. I know I will survive this like everyone else, but it's nice to talk to woman that are feeling the same as I do. When all this started I fealt so alone. Even though I have the best family support I can ask for. My husband has been wonderfull with all this. And keeps me positive. But when I'm alone you are alone with all the thoughts. So thank you, becouse your email has helped me a lot.
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Thank you so much for your suggestions. And yes it is good that the insurance is here, so hopefully we never have to go through this again. I know I will survive this like everyone else, but it's nice to talk to woman that are feeling the same as I do. When all this started I fealt so alone. Even though I have the best family support I can ask for. My husband has been wonderfull with all this. And keeps me positive. But when I'm alone you are alone with all the thoughts. So thank you, becouse your email has helped me a lot.
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Hey Jitkai
I am sorry I have been off line for a few days but would like to welcome you and to wish you luck for your chemo. I am sure you will breeze through it and come out the other side very proud of yourself for your achievement.
It is such a daunting time, build up and the waiting for chemo. The unknown is the hardest part.
I am thinking of you and wishing you well.
Please come and chat with us and let us know how you are going.
Your pink sisters are here for you.
Lots of love always, Mich xoxoxo
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Hey Jitkai
I am sorry I have been off line for a few days but would like to welcome you and to wish you luck for your chemo. I am sure you will breeze through it and come out the other side very proud of yourself for your achievement.
It is such a daunting time, build up and the waiting for chemo. The unknown is the hardest part.
I am thinking of you and wishing you well.
Please come and chat with us and let us know how you are going.
Your pink sisters are here for you.
Lots of love always, Mich xoxoxo
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Hi Jitkai, Can't believe another week has passed since I posted to you. Hope things are improving. just think that is one week of chemo you won't have to relive....one week closer to your goal of finishing. Keep going the end of chemo is getting closer. from Diana