Appropriate liability insurance to cover Pink Lady events

Hi girls,
I have just registered to hold a Mini Field in Launceston during Octpber 2013 and received three pages of info about the Community Fundraising Guidelines.
In this a section covers Legal Matters and it is advised that we have to get appropriate liability insurance to cover the Pink Lady event, as BCNA insurance does not extend to external events.
I can understand that BCNA cannot possible cover us all but does anyone have experience regarding the correct insurance being obtained?
In talking with people from other volunteer groups Association Liability; Public Liability; Entity Liability and Volunteer Workers Cover have all be mentioned. Seems like it is a mine field.
One suggestion was not to sell merchandise then it would not be required???
We do not want to be fundraising in order to pay insurnace premiums.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts, girls of Oz!
Hi Mandy, I have never come across this before. I have held a fundraising event at my home so would be covered by my home insurance I guess. the other events were held in local parks - one with Lions Club group. I never registered any with the local council - oh hang on yes I did - the one in Rockhampton at the Waterfall gardens but I never got any paperwork talking about liability insurance. This was a couple of years ago. I had to register the event due to the fact that loads of weddings are held in this area. I will be really interested in what comes out of your query. XLeonie
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Hi Mandy, I have never come across this before. I have held a fundraising event at my home so would be covered by my home insurance I guess. the other events were held in local parks - one with Lions Club group. I never registered any with the local council - oh hang on yes I did - the one in Rockhampton at the Waterfall gardens but I never got any paperwork talking about liability insurance. This was a couple of years ago. I had to register the event due to the fact that loads of weddings are held in this area. I will be really interested in what comes out of your query. XLeonie
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Yes Leonie,
it was mentioned at one of the Breakout Sessions I attended, the Friday arvo one, and I brought it up at our next Tasmanian Breast Cancer Network meeting last Saturday, and then received the info as I said acknowledging my registration for a Mini Field in October.
I will see what comes of it all!
Take care beautiful lady xxxxx
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That is an ïn"joke for us over 40's eh Marita?
Many many thanks for clarifying the situation, roll on October! xx Mandy