My first blog...

Hi all, Looking for support as I am about to start chemo very soon, followed by radiation and hormone therapy. I have breast cancer that spread to 4 lymph nodes..I have had surgery and now I am really scared about the whole "treatment" plan. I am also suffering from sciatica which has been quite debilitating. Currently on cortesone tablets and lyrica...but it's not very promising, Next step would be injection in my back which I am tryinhg to avoid. I am also wondering if anyone has heard of the 'cold cap' therapy used to prevent hair loss in Melbourne??? Do any hospitals provide this? This is my first blog...Thank you all in advance.
You've certainly come to the right place for support. I've been blogging since May and have been soooo blown away with the support, wisdom, info and just plain down right love shown by the Pink Ladies here. So sorry you have a double whammy with BC and Sciatica. I was very scared about the chemo treatment too but I've gotten through it (certainly with a lot of ups and downs). It's a tough road but I'm sure you'll get through, finding inner strengths that you didn't know you had.
Talk with your Oncologist about your fears or your Breast Care Nurse if you have one. Perhaps counselling might help too. I'm being treated at Peter Macs in East Melbourne and all the staff there have been absolutely wonderful. I've not seen cold caps used in the Chemo Day Unit by the way.
Stay as positive as you can Mary. This is all working to get rid of that damn BC. Lots of love and hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you.
Janey xxx0 -
Welcome Mary to BCNA network and I am so glad you have found this wonderful site. We are here to support you in any way we can. Have you ordered or been given your My Journey Kit through BCNA? What mg of Lyrica are you on? I am on 150mg and have been told I can increase this if need be. It helps with pain and also hot flushes.I can't help you with the cold cap as I am not in Melbourne.I have recently had injections in my back,hip and bursa for pain which are helping in some areas but not my hip and my GP the other day said it was sciatica so I will follow this up with her further in the near future. She was waiting on a copy of my PET scan which mentions my areas of inflammation so will send me a referral depending on the PET scan report.It is a very scary place you are in right now with your upcoming treatment. I had 2 nodes involved and had 6 cycles of chemo, 7 weeks of radiotherapy and now on Femara currently for the next 5 years. It is scary but it is doable. Hopefully you have family and friends to support you through your treatment and we (your new pink sisters) are here for you when you need us as well. You will be surprised where you manage to pluck your strength from but we do and we get through with some uphills and down hills on the way and the occasional pot hole.As Janey says call on all the resources around you and employ them to help you in any way you need it. Breast nurses, oncologists,counsellors, Cancer Council and any support group (there is probably one on this site for Melbourne which you can search in find groups section), GP and so many others out there to lend a hand if you just ask.Good luck sweety, wishing you well and we are here for you.Lots of love always, Mich xoxoxoxo0
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I am not really familiar with how this all works, ie...the blog thingy?? Hope I am doing this right. I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and I am trying to stay positive. As for the cold caps, I found out that only the Adelaide Cancer Centre have them for their patients and not really available anyhwere else unless you hire them and do it yourself. Not really sure if Melbourne hospitals allow them either?? Would be interested to see if anyone in Melbourne has used them?? All my love and thanks again.
Mary xxx
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Thank you for your promp response Mich, I really appreciate it. Firstly, I have ordered my journey kit...I take it to every appointment, it is my new bible. I am on 75 mg of Lyrica, but I have only just started on them. I am not sure how long they take to kick in, but I am still in a lot of pain. I am on cortesone tablets too and I go back to visit the GP on THursday. I guess if medication is not working I will need injection. My MRI results showed a bulging disc and some bone degeneration. Sounds like you have had your fair share of dramas and I really feel your pain. It's terrible not being able to make a cup of coffee without slouching over the bench or not being able to stand long enough to have a shower. Desperately need to get a shower chair. Haven't been able to go shopping nor drive my car for the last 3 weeks. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband and 2 great kids that have been fantastic. My 17 yr old boy loves cooking, so he cooksmost of the evening meals. I am having 6 rounds of chemo every 3 weeks and then radiation..will be seeing radiation oncologist tomorrow, so will find out how long I will need to do this. Will be asking a lot of questions regarding my treatment and will definitely be speaking to support people. Am also seeing social worker. All my love to you and best of luck with everything. Thank you so much...Mary xxx
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Hi Mary
I forgot to say your beast care nurse and oncologist should know which hospitals do the cold cap system in SA it was Burnside private the public system doesnt offer it. It has been used overseas for years. Best wishes.
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Hi Mary, just thought I would reply to your post and let you know you have my support too. Hopefully you feel well enough to maybe attend the South East & Bayside group and some face-to-face support too.
I heard quite alot about the cold caps, quite pricey to hire I think but well worth it if you don't want to lose hair. I only found out recently, wish I'd heard about it before my chemo treatment think I would've seriously given it a go.
My journey with breast cancer started in Jan 2012. Had a lumpectomy in Feb with 2 lymph nodes taken out as cancer had spread. Then I had chemo from March to June, then radiotherapy in August, 20 days straight. Through all that I also had to deal with diabetes and as I had a previous blot clots the chemo caused more within two weeks of starting.
Was a really scary time for me, was hospitalised for a week to treat blot clot, lost my hair and then had to learn how to inject myself as I needed blood thinning medication for 6 months!!
I feel your pain with sciatica, I hope you don't need that injection. To have all that pain while also to deal with cancer/chemo/hair loss etc is alot to cope with.
Not sure where you live but if you're local to Cheltenham, I'm happy to come along with you to chemo treatments if I'm free.
This blogging thing is all new to me too, I really didn't get into it until after I had treatment as I couldn't see myself pouring out my feelings to people I didn't know. But it's a great place to vent, to ask what we may think are silly questions and just to 'meet' other women that have been there. There are NO silly questions when you have cancer, it's terrifying not knowing what is going to happen and terrifying when you do!!!
Keep well, Dianne