Herbal medicine,maybe can help us pink ladies

Member Posts: 10
Hi I'm Mafe,34 yrs old from Caloundra Queensland,
I was diagnosed last April 7,2013...ductal carcinoma stage 3,HER2+.I had left breast removed last 22 of May.I had 2 beautiful daughters 14 and 8 yrs old.Im originally from Philippines so please understand my English if not so good.I moved here last 2011.I been reading most of the time in this website and it's really help me a lot.I already had my 3 FEC and my next 3 is D+H plus 6 weeks radiation.Its been really emotional time for me and the rest of the family when I was diagnosed BC.Im just worried about my 2 beautiful daughters and my loving husband.
Anyway before my surgery I went to Philippines to see my family and friends.We have a unit there,we always having holiday in Philippines most of the time.I have one close friend,she is my neigbhor in the unit and I told her about my situation and she's really sad about me.She said to me that she have cyst in ovary,she found out this one last yr and after she heared about my bad news it makes her scared thinking about her cyst.Then she told me that she heared this herbal capsule that's been advertising in local channel that it can help for 100 disease including the cyst,cancer and tumor formation.So she said to me I will try 1pack of this first then after that I will go to my GP to have another ultrasound.Then last night I received a message from her on Facebook telling me the good news that her 1.9 cm ovarian cyst is gone.So I rang her straight away to congratulate her,she ask me to take it as well but I told her I will wait until my chemo finish coz Im not allowed to take herbal medication at the moment....
It's really amazed me how the herbal worked for my friend.So to all of us pink ladies maybe we should try this herbal medicine that came from my homeland.This is the website and you can check it yourselfhttp://www.aimglobalnetworks.com/health-and-wellness/c247-solution/100-diseases/....the price of 1 box is $30 and Im not sure if 60 capsules or 90 capsules in one box....Anyway just check the website...or you can call me if you want to ask something...my # is 0420480301.