Financial difficulties
Hi everyone I was diagnosed in August with ILC and have only been able to work a handful of days since my diagnosis. Since I started chemo I've been hospitalised with a blood clot (DVT) in my leg, pneumocystis (PJP) and most recently Clostridium Difficle (C. Diff). I'v had severe fatigue from the chemo and have been an…
Navigating the online community
Private health insurance
i finished my treatment April 2017,I didn’t have private health insurance during treatment.i have been debating about getting it? What is a better way to go private or public?and would I have to wait 12 months after getting private for treatment as it’s considered pre existing? Is it worth the money?
Muscle expander
Hi I just had my second lot of saline inserted in my muscle expander yesterday (wow it can be hard to breath the first night and next day) but tonight I feel an itch but my skin is numb so I can’t scratch it. It’s so frustrating. Does this happen often and does the feeling come back. I’ve tried a heat pack and a cold pack…
Calcium supplements or not?
My Onc told me to start taking Calcium/vitamin d supplements when I began Letrozole 5 1/2 weeks ago, but having read recently the issues of heart disease caused by added calcium, I don’t think I want to. What’s everyone’s opinion please
Grumbling is, surprisingly, a good thing
The festive season is guaranteed to make me crankier than ever. So far this month I've had the shits about: * Christmas carols and tinsel * The loss of another hub cap * The elastic in most of my favourite pairs of undies giving out. In concert. * Why are undies described as pairs? Another source of irritation * Flies,…
Chemo Brain & Asprin
Hello Lovelies...it’s been a long time 😊 I was just reading this...has anyone tried this? https://www.9news.com.au/2018/12/09/04/45/breast-cancer-chemotherapy-chemo-brain-neura-aspirin-treatment-health
Feeling numb triple negative breast cancer
Hi everyone i was diagnosed with grade 3 triple negative breast cancer on the 25th October and had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy two days ago. I'm 53 had my first mammogram and got a call back, from there it was ultrasound and core biopsy then diagnosed. The lump was 21mm very close to my chest wall and they said…
Immune System
Asking the question here as I'm hoping for a positive answer. At what point is your immune system the lowest during chemotherapy. I work in a hospital and would like to keep working for as long as possible for my mental health but I also don't want to bugger with my health. Thanks
kisqali/ribociclib is on PBS! Just on News
Hi guys I've just heard that kisqali is now on the PBS - so from many Thousands of dollars a year - to about $6 a session! Bloody Telegraph won't let me look at the article! Here is the google 'synopsis' https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/...pbs.../b0276fe45a009cbac8e8be5695067c938 hours ago - A drug that elongates life in…
Should I avoid shopping centres during Chemo?
Hi Everyone. I was diagnosed with triple negative grade 3 breast cancer in November. I started my neoadjuvant chemotherapy on 29th of November and another is coming up on 13th of December. Side effects weren’t too bad except I felt down in the dumps for the whole week. Walked everyday and did some exercise but it didn't…
Feeling tired and emotional...
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September, and like most on this journey, have been on a rollercoaster of mixed scary emotions. After biopsies and surgery, I am nearly at the end of my radiation treatment, only 3 sessions to go. I have been surprised at how tired I have been this week, and it freaks me out a bit at…
Hair Regrowth / Re styling
Hello , I am starting to get my hair back this includes eyelashes and eyebrows ( yipeeee no more watering eyes). A vanity question , went into chemo with light brown hair , came out with salt and pepper ( more salt) than anything. I have about a 1cm on my head , how long before you can dye hair , I read somewhere you have…
Broken Toe
Hi Everyone, been a while since I have been on here....been doing really well, I have only 3 Paclitaxil left to go...anyway the Question is last night I kicked something and i heard a crack and I figure I have broken my little toe and possibly the one next to it, should i go have it seen too, or will it be ok... I figure…
Hot summer early
Yesterday and today Victoria has been on alert due to major bushfires at Scotsburn, Buninyong and Little River. Recently Qld was copping it. My hope is that none of you are involved and if so hope you and yours are safe and all is well. It is early in the season Take care