Muscle expander

YLH02 Member Posts: 1
edited December 2018 in General discussion
I just had my second lot of saline inserted in my muscle expander yesterday (wow it can be hard to breath the first night and next day) but tonight I feel an itch but my skin is numb so I can’t scratch it. It’s so frustrating. Does this happen often and does the feeling come back. I’ve tried a heat pack and a cold pack but it won’t make the itch go away


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,372
    I still get that feeling occasionally. I liken it to trying to scratch an itchy foot--while you are still wearing a shoe. Thankfully the episodes don't go on for long--just as well, it's a very creepy feeling. 
    It's worth getting hold of your surgeon or breast care nurse (if they haven't already buggered off for the holidays) and keep a close watch to make sure there is no heat or redness that could signal an infection. Mxx