A possible inclusion for the My Journey kit
I think the My Journey kit is great, and it was a fantastic thing for my hubby to read as well. Helped him to get answers to questions he didn't know he had. But, I was thinking, maybe it needs a bingo card for some light relief!! Instead of numbers, it could have: - That's unusual - Everybody's different - There's no data…
14/11/18 Inkpetal's Birthday Today!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to our lovely Rebecca @InkPetal on your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, excitement, anticipation, beauty, contentment and flavoursome cake. Hope your day is awesome. Xx Cath
11/11/18 Kat09's birthday yesterday!!!
Sending a Huge Belated Happy Birthday wish to you @Kat09 for your birthday yesterday. Hope you had love, happiness, laughter, warmth, beauty, kindness and cake. Hope it was brilliant!!! Xx Cath
13/11/18 Adean's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you lovely @adean on your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, kindness, excitement, energy and glorious cake. Hope you day has been awesome beautiful lady and that you have been spoilt rotten. Xx Cath
12/11/18 Mrs H's Birthday Today!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday wish to you Jen @Mrs_H on your birthday today! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, beauty, contentment, excitement and cake. Hope your day is excellent. Xx Cath
Newbie here
Hi All, im new to the forum. A couple of months ago my Aunty had her breast removed due to breast cancer. She’s my father’s sister. My nan also had breast cancer and so did her sister. My nan also had colon cancer and another Aunty in same side of family had endometrial cancer. So the Aunty with breast cancer had a genetic…
Melbourne Lunch-Reclaim Your Curves Saturday 17 November Melbourne
Hi all, there is a Lunch this Sat, hoping you can make it. Sorry this has been posted a bit late. It’s a lunch for those interested in talking all things Reconstruction. see attached details. Cheers, Virginia Let me know if you can make it, so I can book numbers. Cheers
Would someone want these items free? I'm located in Brighton, Brisbane
Size 14C approx.
Breast cancer myth
It continues to bother me that some well intentioned people perpetuate the myth that 50% of breast cancer could be avoided just by exercising. This notion makes my blood boil!
Looking for recommendations of plastic surgeons for reconstruction
Hi! I'm looking for recommendations for plastic surgeons - I'm planning to have tissue expanders and then implants (I had a full mastectomy 16 months ago and chemo). I live in Central West NSW but happy to travel to Sydney or Canberra if necessary. Very keen for some direction. Thanks.
Reconstruction website
Hi all Just wanted to update you on the committee im working on to create a website solely for reconstruction surgery You will be happy to know all of the suggestions you all sent through are being included in the website. There was a question about what language should be used throughout the website for eg personal using…
Port Defunct
Well the decision was made today by the oncology nurses that they would no longer use my port. Their reasoning makes total sense to me. Instead of having to return after the herceptin to have it removed, it will now be taken out at the same time as my mastectomy in about ten weeks. We have had seven successful infusions…
Travel insurance after Lumpectomy
Hello all , I went through a lumpectomy 10mths ago followed by Radiation treatment (stage1). Wanting to fly to the states next year but don’t know weather do declare to the travel insurance companies anything ? One quote jumped to $1500 for my family. It’s not if I get sick over there it’s incase of a reoccurrence & I need…
2/11/18 Barney74's birthday yesterday!!!
Sending a huge belated Happy Birthday wish to you @Barney74 for your birthday yesterday!! Hoping you had love, laughter, happiness, excitement, beauty, comfort and cake. Hope your day was splendid!!! Xx Cath
31/10/18 Share's Birthday Yesterday!!!
Sending a belated Happy birthday wish to you @Share for you birthday yesterday. Hope you had love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and cake. Wishing you all the best. Xx Cath