GP Management Support Plan or Chronic Disease Management Plan
Hello all, I am interested to learn whether anyone has a GP management plan or chronic disease management plan in place in support of your recovery back to a "new normal". These plans are normally formulated by your GP and clinic nurse practitioner and may include: 5 free referrals per year for you to see a…
when you was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer & what Treatment you had & how long did you have Chemo & Radiation Im new doing this thing & can you help me find friends we can talk about it & swap stories.
12 MONTHS TO MAKE A CHANGE. Ok we have three days left for the pink charities and the companies that have jumped on the pink wagon to get as many donation and purchases out of us.WE NEED MORE MALE INCLUSION IN PINKOCTOBER. Pink ladies, you are the only ones that can make the pink charities change their stance on Male…
Choosing Non-Conventional Treatment
I heard this segment from Professor Christobel Saunders on the Health Report today. It's about the increasing numbers, approximately 5%, of people with curable cancers who refuse conventional treatment. Professor Saunders is a breast cancer expert but it's across all cancers. I found it interesting. Seven minutes, worth a…
Soft Comfort Bras at 'Reject Shop' - 3 x $10!!
Hi guys I've just found these soft Comfort bras available at our local Reject shop - so they may be in other Reject Shops. They are very similar to the Ahaa bra! White, Beige & black in each pack. They are the 'pull over the head' style - which may suit some!
A quick Update
Hi ladies, first of all to each of you who sent birthday messages, thank you, 63, not out!!, however the last 12 days have been clouded by the fact my beautiful grandaughter was involved in a serious car accident on the 18th of October, no ones fault, it just happened, she was coming home from Adelaide and for those of you…
28/10/18 Susanmt's Birthday Yesterday!!
Sending a Belated Happy Birthday wish to you Susan @susanmt for your birthday yesterday. Hoping you had love, laughter, beauty, warmth, happiness, comfort, excitement and beautiful cake. Thought with the warmer weather something tropical might be the way to go so here is a Pina Colada cake to help enjoy the spring weather.…
23/10/18 Anne65's Birthday Yesterday!!
Sending a Belated Happy Birthday wish to you Anne @Anne65 for your 53rd birthday yesterday!! Hoping your day was filled with love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, excitement and beautiful cake. Wishing it was magical. PS Sorry about the late wishes. Xx Cath
Repeated eyelash loss
Finished chemo 8 months ago A few months later I lost my lashes and a week later there was a little fuzz and all back in a month. Then 2 weeks running on a Saturday I wore false eyelashes over my good lashes and they disappeared. Been behaving and yesterday as I put mascara on (which I always wear) and saw a gap geez it…
I Touch Myself Far North Queensland Style
So when I saw Serena Williams version of “I Touch Myself” I felt inspired to rally up a group of local survivors and do our version. These women run a support group for women going through breast cancer in FNQ. They are all survivors themselves and provide thing like cleaners, childcare, gardeners, dinners whatever you…
Get Real
So I woke up this morning not wanting to deal with non real people. After posting the thread on unspoken thoughts it got me rattled. People ask me how I am but answer for me because they don't want to really know. "How are you you look amazing it is so good to see you so positive every week" How do you respond to that? It…
Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is somewhere to buy alevyn silicone dressings without charging the earth? I do work still and not on a pension card at all.
25/10/18 Wendy55" s birthday today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Wendy @wendy55 for your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, excitement, beauty, contentment and gorgeous cake. I hope your day is magnificent!!! Xx Cath
27/10/18 Scorpionqueens Birthday today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you lovely Tracy @ScorpionQueen for your birthday today!!Hoping your day has been filled with love, laughter, happiness, beauty, warmth, excitement and cake. Hope your day has been spectacular. Xx Cath
26/10/18 Mima's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy birthday wish to you @Mima on your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, delight, and fabulous cake. Hoping your day is wondrous. Xx Cath