Port Insertion
Hi all, I had my port installed this morning at the Radiology dept in the Public Hospital. I have to say I was pretty anxious about the process and went in there and said I think I need sedating for this because I am nervous about it. The nurses were lovely. They set me up ready for the procedure and the radiologist came…
Thankful for you all!!
I was just reading through my first post from February this year and how scared and confused I was. The responses from you all bought a tear to my eye. Don’t know what I would of done without the kind words and support from you all. The shared experiences and laughs further along the way have been have been a godsend too.…
Hair loss and Fec D
Hi, I am going to get my hair cut short on Saturday after my Breast care Nurse and my GP suggested it. My partner seems to think I am being too presumptuous. I personally think it's less of a shock when my hair starts falling out and less messy. He said maybe your hair won't fall out. I think it's probably wishful thinking…
Let's talk about Vaginas
Let's talk about vaginas - remember to pop into the group as new members join we need some replies and feedback to make them feel welcome. Has anyone got any questions after our Q & A with Janine Porter Steele?
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??
To me a journey is getting from A to B at a leisurely manner....stopping off for a bit of sight seeing and long lunches.....what I have been through since 28th March has been a fast track nightmare heading for the chasm that has lost the bridge!! Oh I know that sounds melodramatic but I honestly don't know where last 4…
Reconstruction Anxiety
Hi Im booked in for a latdorsi reconstruction next week, Im starting to have doubts and anxiety about the procedure. My mastectomy was 17 months ago. Im scared I've rushed into it. I thought I was fine when I booked the surgery but now as it approaches Im freaking out about what could go wrong and whether I will like the…
BCNA at Government House in Adelaide?
I've heard on the grapevine that some SA women have received an invitation to Government House for something to do with BCNA. Just curious about what it is for...does anyone know? (My invitation must have gone astray because there's nothing in my post box :( )
30/9/18 Jennyss' Birthday Today!!
Sending a Massive Happy Birthday wish to you Jenny @jennyss for your birthday today!! Wishing you love,mirth,anticipation, frivolity, excitement, beauty, warmth and glorious cake. Hope your day is brilliant. Xx Cath
29/9/18 MISSED - Nikkilee's Birthday Yesterday
Sending a Huge Belated Happy Birthday Wish to you @Nikkilee for your birthday yesterday!!! Hoping that your birthday was filled with love, laughter, happiness, excitement, beauty, contentment and wonderful cake. So sorry this wish is belated but I hope that your day was spectacular. Xx Cath
Reconstruction surgery
Hi everyone Its been a while since i have been here a rough couple of months. Lost my mum and aunty to cancer and was diagnosed myself for the second time,but the reason im here is to ask for some feedback. I am currently sitting on a committee that are creating education materials for reconstruction surgery and want to…
27/9/18 Primek's Birthday today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to the lovely Kath @primek on your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, joy, beauty, fulfillment, and the answers you need along with gorgeous cake. Hoping your day has been magnificent and that your holiday is even better. Xx Cath
27/9/18 55Jlz's Birthday today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you @55Jlz on your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, excitement, beauty and wonderful cake. Hope your day has been wonderful. Xx Cath
28/9/18 Pammy46's Birthday today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Pam @Pammy46 on your birthday today. Wishing you beauty, happiness, laughter, love, kindness, excitement and bountiful supplies of cake. Hope your day is magnificent. Xx Cath
23/9/18 Piccme's Birthday Today!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Sophie @Piccme on your birthday today. Wishing you love, oodles of hugs, happiness, spontaneity, laughter, anticipation and gorgeous cake. Hope your day is amazing. Xx Cath
23/9/18 Earthwalkerlisha's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you @EarthWalkerLisha on your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, frivolity, excitement, wonder, and excessive amounts if happiness and cake! Hope your day is phenomenal. Xx Cath