Started my Chemo
Hi everyone As to my last discussion i have opted to doing the 6 mths like they want me to instead of the 3. I am on AC-T so now i am on my 5th day now and have been good. Havent had any down days although getting tired alot. Im looking after myself so im hoping i can continue without to many side affects.
Pamper yourself
Just had the best massage ever...so relaxing. Can recommend a place called Saltair Spa in Torquay (Victoria) . Away with long time girlfriends on our annual weekend away. Bit different to last year's when i was waiting for results after my second lumpectomy...far more pleasant.
Power Port Removal prior too Radiation
Hi Ladies, so I have my last round of chemo on the 6th October and have too get my power port removed prior too radiation as they put it on the wrong side, even told the theater nurse prior too surgery that it needs too go on the left hand side and she wouldn't listen as had two lymph-nodes that had cancer , apart from the…
Hair growth during chemo
My hair has started growing heaps & I haven’t finished chemo yet (TC). Anyone else out there have that happen?
Melbourne Ladies-Morning Tea 21 September 2018
Hi All, Anyone free to catch up? Reclaim you Curves (breast reconstruction support group). We are having a Morning Tea catch up at Think Pink Living Centre...see details above. All welcome, let me know if you can make it. I will send a few reminders. Also ...you can follow Reclaim Your Curves on Facebook
Wussy needs advice please.
Grab your coffee folks, I'm afraid this is going to be rather a long and rambling kerfuffle. Next week, I have to return to the slammer to have an internal carotid aneurysm clipped. At my pre admission appointment (five people and six hours total), I was told that an arterial line would be put into my wrist to monitor,…
Hi there ladies, Ive had a call from Network 10 pippa sheehan looking for south east Queensland ladies on the wait list for reconstructive surgery. She is needing a participant to interview on camera in the next couple of days re the ridiculous wait times for this very important surgery. If you are willing to participate…
Advice from a Patient to Drs and Nurses ....
I think we can all relate to this one ......
I’ve heard it’s neither here nor there with underwire bras but I really want to buy some without wire now. I’ll have a divet in my lower left breast where the BC was removed but ‘gravity’ will likely take care of that. I’m not especially vain so don’t care what the bra looks like, just after some comfy ones while I’m…
Surgery on Palbociclib
Hi Ladies, I am scheduled for DIEP/TRAM flap surgery on 6th November. I am 11 months into my 2 year Palbociclib drug trial. Has anyone on the trial had major surgery during the trial? Any problems with infection? I have been advised to stop the drug 7 days prior to surgery by my trial coordinator and not start again until…
Full node clearance, pain today after bra fitting
Hi All I had a mastectomy and full node clearance on 6 September. Pain hasn't been too bad and movement of arm has been pretty good - until today. I got fitted for the mastectomy compression bra and my arm (and underarm) has been in agony since and I can barely move my arm at all without severe pain. The exercises I was…
@salpal has finished treatment but needs some virtual hugs
hi there everyone the lovely @salpal has finished all her chemo and now rads yesterday but had a really tough time with a road raging dickhead and some fucking moron stuffing up her last rad treatment yesterday. She’s ok but could do with some lovin from all of us on here if you can. Thanks Margie xx
What they do not tell you about accessing your super
Well, it's been an interesting day. I've spoken to my super fund several times in the last couple of months about accessing super on the grounds of financial hardship. The information I was given was that once Centrelink confirmed I was eligible I would be able to lodge a claim. What I was not told, at any time, was that…
good evening ladies, would anyone be able to tell me if you have one sentinal node remove, and thats the only node effected, are you at risk of lymphoedema?
14/9/18 Lisa50's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you Lisa @Lisa50 on your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, fun, frivolity, excitement and beautiful cake. Hope your day has been spectacular!!!/Xx Cath