Bloody hell ive been busy!
Hi there everyone I’ve been off the radar the past couple weeks due to work commitments and this bloody high tea and the dog at the vet twice... long story. He’s fine now thankfully. so I’ve had no time for anything else!! I think I’ve got to a time in my recovery that I feel I’ll keep in touch with all of you via PM and…
Braca1 positive
Hi guys, so im interested in talking to a few people who have gone through what im about too, i had my first appointment with my breast surgeon. I got diagnosed with the Braca1 gene when i was 18, told they wouldnt touch me until i was atleast 30 and was done with having kids. I had a hysterectomy beginning of the year.…
Bye Chemo
Had a bye Chemo dinner at my sons & daughters in law last night. How awesome is this cake. Love it!!
Treatment finished
After 15 months I finished active treatment last Thursday, relieved I won't have to sit in one of those chairs again (I hope). Although as you all know it's not the end of it. Scan day for me on Monday then Oncologist and breast surgeon appointments in the next couple of weeks. Thank you to all of you that responded to my…
9/10/18 Ang66's Birthday today!!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday wish to you Ang @angg66 for your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty, contentment and delicious cake. Hope your day is spectacular. Xx Cath
Paranoid or Not.
Hi Everyone, Just feel like a bit of a vent today. For the last couple of weeks have had sore shoulders. Thought I'd just over stretched. But pain killers weren't working. So off to the Dr I went. She suggested Physio which I had twice. Trouble is laying on my front for an hour did nothing for my Mastectomy site it feels…
Looking for a job
Hi all, so I finally finished radiation last week and I am happy that the last 9 months is behind me , but I have decided to look for a job which I was starting to do at Christmas time last year but cancer had other ideas !!! But just wanted some opinions out there I was out of work for a few years to be a stay at home mum…
Letrozole side effects
Last monday at the age of 52 i started my daily dose of Letrozole. Fast forward 7 days and i feel like ive aged 30 years. Every bone & joint hurts, even bones in my face hurt ! My Oncologist said she was concerned i may not do well on letrozole given my pain in recent months (none of which i had before BC). Should I stop?…
7/10/18 Kimw's Birthday today!!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday wish to you Kim @kimw on your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, warmth, beauty and cake. Hope you have an awesome day. Xx Cath
Has anyone had a autologous latdorsi - Latdorsi reconstruction without expander and implants and been happy with the results?
Reconstruction Latdorsi
Hi all, Im booked in to have the latdorsi reconstruction after a total mastectomy 16 months ago. Surgeon says I don't need an implant or expander as I have enough tissue to make a breast. Has anyone else had this procedure?
Am I expecting too much?
Firstly a bit of background Lumpectomy from right breast March ‘18 came back positive All 40 nodes from right armpit removed April ‘18 came back positive. Bone scan found two ‘spots’ on T11 vertebra and two more on my skull. Had radiation for five weeks focussed on right breast. On Letrozole and Kisqali Saw Radiology…
So true
A friend in the States just sent me this video - so true - made me laugh and cry. https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMikeRowe/videos/2019160514837276/
I haven't yet seen a copy in real life but apparently this month's Cosmopolitan has an article on breast cancer survivors. You won't know from the cover, though as, yes it is pink, but it doesn't mention the story anywhere!
Poignant Pinktober Video Clip
This excellent YouTube clip produced by UK group, Breast Cancer Care, is as poignant as it is uplifting. Happy to be included. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFoHlCXPOMQ