Reconstruction Anxiety

Annabelle Member Posts: 45

Hi Im booked in for a latdorsi reconstruction next week, Im starting to have doubts and anxiety about the procedure. My mastectomy was 17 months ago. Im scared I've rushed into it. I thought I was fine when I booked the surgery but now as it approaches Im freaking out about what could go wrong and whether I will like the result.

Would love to hear from others who have had the operation and whether its just a normal reaction to surgery?


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi Annabelle. Feeling like this is pretty normal I reckon. Have you talked through your feelings with a counsellor? Your breast surgeon? Sometimes speaking things outloud helps us get some perspective.

    I had a double mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction after thinking about it for five months. A LOT of thinking! A lot of walking, talking, writing a pros and cons list, anything and everything to stress test my decision. The week before I was still saying to myself 'I can still back out if I want to' and observing how I felt about that prospect.

    As a result I went in 100% with my decision and five months later have no regrets. I'm pleased with my results. They're not perfect and while I don't need perfection, I would have loved it if my foobs were a little more identical. I haven't haf revision surgery yet so there's still hope.

    For me, it made a big difference having full trust and confidence in my breast surgeon. He recommended the PS as technically brilliant at my kind of surgery. The PS has the worst bedside manner and so working with him has been insanely trying. However my BS was right, he's done excellent work.

    I don't know if this is of any help to you, as it's not a lat dorsi. Have you joined the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group? There are women there who have had this type of recon, as well as photos, that might help you.

    Let us know what you decide. All the very best, K xox
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 350
    Hi @Annabelle I feel the same. I'm booked in for mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction at the end of the month. I spoke to my counselor and she said these feelings are completely normal. I think that even when you have trust in your surgeons and have answers to all your questions there's still an element of the unknown in that no-one can predict exactly how you will feel afterwards or what your personal results and recovery path will look like. 
    I have found the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group really useful and would second @kmakm that it may be helpful for you. You might also find the Reclaim Your Curves Facebook group a good source of support from other ladies facing similar circumstances.