Feeling tired and emotional...

Pennyblossom Member Posts: 2
edited November 2018 in General discussion
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September, and like most on this journey, have been on a rollercoaster of mixed scary emotions.   After biopsies and surgery, I am nearly at the end of my radiation treatment, only 3 sessions to go.  I have been surprised at how tired I have been this week, and it freaks me out a bit at while radiation doesn't hurt, I feel that it is draining me of any emotion and happiness.... like Im stuck at the bottom of the rollercoaster and cant get up the other side.  How do you cope with these teary feelings?  Does anyone else feel the same? I am thankful my treatment is nearly over, and I shouldn't complain, compared to others my journey has been fairly straight forward.  I'm trying to stay positive, but this week the weight is crushing...


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    A good old cry can be therapeutic. Radiation is exhausting towards the end. It’s normal to have ‘down’days
    I used to go shopping and treat myself to new clothes or a movie or coffee/cake with a friend- whatever cheers you up.Also doing something creative can help- painting, colouring in etc and not too strenuous.I planned a holiday about 3wks after the last treatment and that gave me something to look forward to.
    Basically go into princess mode and amp up pampering yourself because you deserve it !!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    edited November 2018
    Hi @Pennyblossom - welcome to the forum!

    Yep - Rollercoaster is a good term for it .... and it may go on for some time, I am afraid!  :(   It can be hit & miss too - you may be fine for ages, then out of left field - WHAM!   It can be from someone being rude or unkind to you, or an actual 'accident' or something that just throws you for whatever reason - that can bring you to tears.

    Keep doing your most favourite things (if you are able to) to keep a 'positive outlook'  - I've found that  doing that keeps my mind of 'other things' & works well for me xx

    Well done on nearly finishing your rads ..... your boob will remain 'hot' for some weeks afterwards, so make sure you continue with the lotions & potions - calendula was one of the creams suggested to me at the end .... also a Baby Rash Ointment called BOZ!   It is quite thick & I'd put a paper towel over it so it didn't mark my clothes - but it all worked well for me!!

    Quite a few of us have felt fatigue at the end of the rads - but the one thing that really threw ME - was how upset I got on my final day.  I turned up, all bubbly, looking forward to it - and then just blubbed uncontrollably throughout the whole final session!  They'd been my daily rock for 4 weeks .... and I suddenly got scared of not having them around!  It was really Weird! In hindsight - I am fine, I was fine - but it happened - so maybe 'be prepared'!  ;)  

    As @TonyaM said - I also had a holiday to Norfolk Island 2 weeks after my rads finished as my present to myself, as that was about the 6 month mark from detection, then surgery & rads!  ;) 

    Ask away on ANY question .... there will always be someone here to give an honest answer xxx

    All the best for your continuing treatment   
  • Chelley59
    Chelley59 Member Posts: 55
    Pennyblossom...I really feel for you....Im yet to have mine....hang in there...❤
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Towards the end of active treatment is well-known for it's lows and rads is exhausting.  I had a psych appointment yesterday (she's experienced with cancer patients) and she asked me about tiredness after radiation - mine finished end of September.  Apparently, in her experience, I can expect it to last for quite some time.
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi @Dottiep and @Pennyblossom My thoughts are with you.  I never had rads but once I finished my last chemo I thought I would be so excited but I also ended in tears and just totally overwhelmed. Be kind to yourselves as we all know this BC just keeps giving. 
     I can relate Dottiep about your beautiful dog.  we lost ours just as I was diagnosed in April this year by a crocodile.  The croc had travelled inland about 500 metres and lay in a drain near the house. Our dog even though he was huge was well and truly a house dog and a much loved member of the family. ( spoilt rotten )  

  • Pennyblossom
    Pennyblossom Member Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies, thankyou for all your comments.  Its comforting to know that Im not alone in my journey with breast cancer, and I love that this forum gives us the opportunity to share, grieve and cry if we want to.  I have now finished radiation, I hit the wall at the end of week 3, and am still teary and emotional, but just trying to go with it at the moment.  Hi @Dottiep, I have also started on Arimidex this week, its abit early to say how its going, but just wanted to say hang in there, we are all on this journey together, so keep in touch!  Supporting each other is a blessing and  good for our sanity as well. Sending a hug to all who need one today. xxx
  • Dottiep
    Dottiep Member Posts: 3
    Hi @kitkatb and @Pennyblossom, @arpie
    Thank you all so much for your replies, it means a great deal . My family and friends , one in particular have been so supportive, but I think because I had been so positive, even when I felt like crap, with that famous ' I'm fine ' statement, finally breaking down was probably confusing for some ! So lucky that my husband has been so kind.
    My little dog is 13 , 14 in May, and yes means the world to me. As I write he is lying next to me, and I feel he's a little better . More bloods tomorrow will see if that's the case.
    I am aware of all that is available to me, and appreciate all the advice, but I guess for me it's the first time I have reached out to the BC Community , which is a step in the right direction for extra support and healing.
    Not a great fan of my Oncologist! Back in early January to follow up on Arimidex ! Guess I never anticipated a double dose of menopause 😜🥵 xx 
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi @Dottiep,  Good luck with the bloods.  13 /14 is a great age.  My family and friends are great and supportive as well but sometimes it is nice to reach out to the BC community because they really get how you feel on the days you feel like crap and understand what we go through.  Always good for a laugh as well on some of the threads. I feel really lucky as have escaped any affects of menopause.  :) Stay positive.  katie xo

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    WOW!   That is a great age for a loved pet.  Hoping for a good result for him xx

    Take care of yourself, too ;)  xx
  • Riki_BCNA
    Riki_BCNA Member Posts: 322
    Hello @Pennyblossom and @Dottiep please don’t hesitate to contact BCNA on 1800 500 258 to speak to a cancer nurse during the week for support and information.Take care.