Hi everyone, Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that it's three years today since I was diagnosed. WOOOHOOOO! I remember that knowing other women had survived was so important to me during the early days of treatment. I've recorded the whole experience on my blog at https://positive3neg.wordpress.com I've just…
ah the relief 4 year review was good
Hi all, today I have my 4 year review with the Oncologist it is great to walk away with another all clear and see you in 12 months time, as each yearly review looms I do become anxious. don't we all? He said that as I am Triple Negative the fact I am 4 years out now is very positive as generally recurrence in TN is within…
Tough day ahead?
Just came across this and thought I'd share. Sending hugs to everyone with a tough day ahead. xxxooo
Still recovering.
Hello all. still recovering from my recent surgery. Right mastectomy nearly four weeks ago now. The last few days I have been feeling like I am slowly getting there. Not so sore now. Amazing how the spirits lift when you feel so much better. Time stands still for awhile after surgery and sadness creeps in and out. Seeing…
Hi everyone, its been a struggle for me day to day with the effects if chemo. Also the blaming game always runs in my head as I had friends who had bc but I did not bother checking my breast and now I have bc just when I noticed something strange. I need to accept now that I am having treatmemt. Only thing is that everyday…
Otis retreats
http://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/story/4121402/kezs-hideaway-ready-to-welcome-guests/?cs=80 The link above is to another great achievement of the Otis Foundation that make their properties available to benefit us Breast Cancer patients
I was at the pool today...trying to get some strenght back...doing my lsps of walking and arm exercises and tiny biuts of swimming. I have done this since 3 weeks post mastectomy and partial reconstruction and almost to end of chemo.(I used to swim pre cancer) So the regular guards and staff at the pool have seen me with…
Movie- I Miss you Already
I rented a movie on iTunes tonight called I miss you Already. I thought it was just a story of two besties lives together and didn't realise it was about a full on breast cancer story. I relived a lot of my journey in that movie and although rather shocking for me I did enjoy it.
It's okay to be really sad
Hi all, i haven't been on here for months. To be honest it got to the point that I would cry over every post I read. Which was strange because I never cried over my own bc diagnosis or treatment. I've always sucked at dealing with emotions, shove them down, keep busy, get on with life. So in the last few months I've been…
Another twist in the journey!! But a good one!!
Well, I have always said in this journey, you should only plan ahead as far as the next appointment or test. Yesterday was to be my last chemo day. Because I have had a stupid virus/cough for the last week, and I knew from the blood tests done at the hospital last Wednesday that I was a bit anaemic, but the white cell…
Times have changed
Hi ladies, I wanted to share that today it's 44 years since my mum had bc, she is alive and well 80 years old, independant climbs ladders and works in the op shop. 44 years ago they gave her the most horrendous scars I've ever seen on boobs but still here. I remember watching my dad, I was 12 taking of her bandages and…
I can't stop thinking the worst..
I haven't been on the forum for a while.... life quickly got back to normal after my surgery. Quick summary... diagnosed Mar 16 with Grade One Invasive Lobular Carcinoma in R breast. Due to family history I opted for surgery... admitted to hospital Mar 31 for bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using silicon…
So, I made a pact with myself that after the Jane McGrath Signature High Tea (which was last Saturday - &, I might add a really great afternoon) that I would from then on remain wigless & just rock the pixie cut my own hair has become. I almost didn't but - yesterday, was my first day at work with no wig, I was very…
Afternoon, Has anyone ever taken one of the Otis Foundation Breast Cancer Retreats for a getaway??? Cate
River Sunset