Times have changed

Hi ladies, I wanted to share that today it's 44 years since my mum had bc, she is alive and well 80 years old, independant climbs ladders and works in the op shop. 44 years ago they gave her the most horrendous scars I've ever seen on boobs but still here. I remember watching my dad, I was 12 taking of her bandages and pouring red macurachrome over her. Dad told me once those bloody doctors said sir would YOU like us to reconstruct your wife's breast? My dad said don't bloody ask me there not my boobs! Dad died from dementia 7 years ago on mums birthday and mum said he did that so he didn't have to buy a gift lol. Mum and I reminisced today about life and how far being diagnosed has come. Mum said the Dr told just go home and get on with it and pray you live. Adean
What a wonderful post! Your Mum is amazing and a true inspiration - thank you for sharing this with us - it has made my day! xx Michelle
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Your mum can say been there done that and now its a distant memory. So cool and we all aspire to it. Good on you mum!
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Hey Adean what a lovely post, you are so lucky to still have your mum. I love her comment about your dad passing on her birthday, older people come out with comments that you don't expect. Give her a big hug, I no longer have parents. Take care I hope you are well xx
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Thank you so much for sharing that, it has made my day! So happy for your mum and you. Xx
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44 years....now that sounds fabulous. Thanks for sharing.
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Lots of love to you and your wonderful mum x
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Hi Adean, It is so great to hear a survival story. Sometimes I think "in/out get it over with and get on with your life" may just work. Suex
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Thank you Adean for sharing. Wonderful to read such encouraging and 'witty' words. Your mum sounds fantastic. Xx Janine
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I love hearing of long term survival - lets hope we all can look back after a similar time.
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What a heart warming story. Hugs from Christine xx
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Wow. Medical science and women's rights sure have come a long way in a few short decades.