A HUGE Happy Birthday wish to Wooda!! Wishing you excitement, anticipation, laughter, love, happiness and the all important cake. Woohoo!! Xx Cath
17/11 LRB_03's BIRTHDAY
A HUGE Happy Birthday wish to Lyn @lrb_03!! Happy birthday Lyn hope your day has been filled with love, laughter, happiness, joy and excitement and lots of cake!!! Xx
14/11 - It's Inkpetal's Birthday!!!!
A HUGE Happy Birthday to Rebecca @Inkpetal!!! Hoping your day is filled with excitement, laughter, fun, happiness, love and CAKE!!! Best wishes Xx
13/11 - It's Adeans Birthday!!!!!
A HUGE Happy Birthday to Adean!! Wishing you happiness, joy, laughter, love and good health (for you and your loved ones) oh and cake :) Xx
Take time to BREATHE......
REST, RECOVER, RESTORE. OK, I'm over last week's sooky la la rant....It's so silly how your emotions get tipped over the edge.....a toenail? Arrgh! After much reassurance from my family, I have come to realise something....While the loss of my toenail (and looks like possibly more are going to come off! :/ ) was seen as…
Walking After Surgery ...
Hello Ladies, I have a question, I have a flight of 15 stairs, quite steep at home to get up and down, once home from hospital (part mastectomy sentinel node biopsy) do you think I should be ok to make it up and down or may take a while to do so ? I understand everyone is different, just wondering as my kitchen is upstairs…
You never know what can happen
Hi all haven't posted for a while, I've been trying to manage my pain from my blood cancer and it's not been easy, hubby took me to bali for 2 weeks, just us no friends kids Relatives just us. The best time we ever had, but a week and then bang ! Life changes, in the early hours of Saturday morning my husband had a heart…
So many times I've questioned certain circumstances and things I could not understand. Many times in trials my weakness blurs my vision and my frustration gets so out of hand. It's then I am reminded I've never been forsaken, I've never had to stand one test alone. As I look at all the victories the Spirit rises up in me,…
Funny thought for the day
I bought this book recently called "Furry Logic" which is a guide to life's little challenges and makes me smile when I think it's all getting too much to handle. I feel like this quote is so appropriate for a lot of us!:
This community.... <3
From my facebook blog REST, RECOVER, RESTORE. It's one week today since my last zap of cancer killing rays!! My burns are coming through more now....yep! it friggin' hurts!... But I am taking care of them and hopefully they will settle quickly without too much drama.... So many women I'm in contact with through various…
Funny rant for today
So I went to a new fitness class this morning which was called "gentle exercise" and is generally aimed at older people or people with beginner level fitness. It's the first outing I've had wearing a head scarf and we all got talking about breast cancer and chemo. Everyone was really lovely except this one grumpy old lady.…
Coping with implants
hi. Just wondering how long it takes to get used to implants. I hate the feeling. Feels like my skin is loose and rippled when I an lying down. I was also totally unprepared for lack of any feeling in both breasts and under one arm. I've only had the implants for 3 weeks now. I have that "want to take my bra off" feeling…
Wishing Cosette @Cosette_BCNA a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hoping your birthday is filled with laughter, happiness, excitement, anticipation and love. Xx Cath
Sleeping Tips
Hi all, been having some sleep problems as my mind is so busy thinking before I go to bed.....can I ask for some sleeping tips knowing you have bc. It's hard going to sleep that you know you have it & waking up knowing you will be nearing a day of treatment alrhough that's one treatment off the list. It gets a bit tiring…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Susan @susanmt!!!! Wishing you fun, love, laughter, happiness and an abundance of cake!!! Hope you get totally spoilt Xx Cath