A grateful heart.....
From my Facebook blog.......... THE FINAL FRONTIER - RADIOTHERAPY This morning sees the world wake to the sad and shocking news of another woman's bright light extinguished......Award winning sports journalist Rebecca Wilson......:'( Once again this wretched disease has taken a beautiful soul way too soon.....Rest easy now…
Sort of Began Radiotherapy...
I walked in to radiation oncology and tapped on at the self check-in. I'd been told to wait in a special room for my first session so I shuffled down the hall away from the main rooms and started a puzzle. 20 minutes pass. Gosh, they sure are running late here today. I was thinking to myself. I'd better go and check on how…
What Cancer Gave Me
It all started when I was going through chemotherapy last year and my mum decided she wanted to teach me how to paint. Initially I wouldn’t have anything to do with it. I was feeling unwell, tired and just didn’t have the energy to try my hand at a craft while undergoing chemo! On top of that, I knew my mum had been good…
Just need someone to talk to.....
Hello! Since my my diagnosis in Feb this year I have read through online discussions but never had the confidence to join in. After being up all night looking up websites etc I have decided my time would be better spent seeking support rather than looking up scary statistics (I know! Everyone tells me to stop looking up…
Breast Forms, nipples etc
Interesting link posted on facebook for those without reconstruction, those waiting and those needing some finishing touches. Just thought I'd share. Kath x https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1749327248655121&id=1450046975249818
Bad day
Really having a rough time of it lately. I thought I was coping really well after my single mastectomy on 27 July, but it's like the shock, anger and despair have really only just kicked in. I find myself teary nearly every day. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, clothed or naked, and I can't bear for my partner to…
Learning to just .... be
My story began May last year. Like so many of you I "accidentally" found a lump, my heart stopped for just a moment, then life got really busy, and really challenging. Like you I endured treatments that I never wanted to, but I pushed myself to do what I had to. Because that's what Mum's do. We push ourself to the limit,…
How long does healing take
Hi , it's been 5 weeks since my lumpectomy and sinus node biopsy. my breast is still not pain free. I have Seroma which recently triggered nerve pain on Monday night, was not nice. Saw my surgeon who examined me and said no infection all looks fine and if it recurs I'd have an ultrasound to check. So since monday night…
one year today
Hi everyone, So today is my year to date since diagnosed, so Tuesday week have my post treatment scans etc. Then off to surgeon. Will be glad to see the end of it all, I have 3 herceptins left and apart from general checks hopefully some sort of normality will return. Have a great weekend !! Cheers Jen
Not good news
Had my 1st chemo FEC-100 last Monday 5/9.(2 more to go, then 3 x Docetaxel & 12 months of Herceptin) Had trouble with the port, and 1 hour chemo ended up 3 1/2 hours. Very tired, nauseas but at least not vomiting. Day 3 thought I was having a heart attack as I had severe pains around the breast bone, only lasting a minute.…
Pink Troopers Boots -Shine through the grey -FINAL
Calling this drawing done! These boots represent my experience....the grey represents the diagnosis, treatments, emotions... The pink is for hope and strength... We march on despite the ups and downs..... We are tough & resilient just like the boots...
Good book to read.
Hi ladies, this is my first post on the new site. Hope it works. I've just read a lovely book and others may find it good too. "The Cancer Survivor's companion" by Dr France's Goodhart and Lucy Atkins. The resources at the back of the book are good too. Anne-Marie
A boost to my self confidence
From my Facebook blog... Today I am not only feeling good......*shhh not too loud!*....I'm feeling happy on the inside too! As many of you know I have always struggled with the chest I was "blessed" with..... I hid in baggy clothes, mainly because my true size would never get over my boobs to begin with......I never wore…
W.I.P - Pink Troopers Boots
Hi ladies! Tried to find the creative corner group but it seems it's gone..... I have done some more work in my drawing and thought I'd share... still a a long way to go ... Had to stop as my eyes got tired!
A teacher called cancer....
LIFE …… Available for a limited time only. Limit one (1) per person. Non-transferrable. Subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Fragile. Handle with care. I have always been a compassionate person, especially toward the elderly but when someone is ill my empathy gauge is turned onto full steam…