6/1/17 Anniepan's 62nd Birthday!!!!!!
Wishing Annie a stupendously wonderful 62nd birthday!! Hoping that today is filled with love, laughter, happiness, joy, fantastic health and an abundance of ALL things good. HAPPY 62ND BIRTHDAY ANNIE XX Cath
Before ,During ,Now,...After
I was watching a movie last night, ( murder mystery), and the lead character referred to her life being in two parts.. Life before her husband was killed and her new life after. Of course that set my mind back to breast cancer
Hi Mira, just want to say Im thinking of you today. Merry Christmas and big hugs to you. If there is anyone who feels alone at this time of year, just drop us a note and we can chat throughout the day. Save some of that amazing Christmas icecream for me Mira <3
And so this is Christmas . . . . .
Remember that song? And so this is Christmas, and what have you done? another year older, a new one just begun. . . . . For so many years our lives slid by in the busy-ness of being a wife, a mum, a daughter, a friend. All those ordinary little things that we took for granted and just didn't give much attention to. Things…
Timing is everything
I received an invitation to an "Inspirational concert" via email from a friend
Early Christmas present
Just received a great Christmas present - the new lump in my breast is not recurrence, but a seroma that has solidified to form a hard mass. So I'm not going crazy imagining things and it's not bc again. YAHOO!!! Christmas gifts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and they're not always gift wrapped. What's the best…
12 months on..... Wow!
So Christmas week is upon us....I have been AWOL for a while but do plan to be popping in sporadically over Christmas....I need to take time to mend my upside down, inside out mind......Please know that I am still thinking of you all....sending love and light out to the newly diagnosed.....sending healing wishes to those…
Hi Have had lumpectomy, chemo, radiotherapy and 3 months ago finished twelve months of Herceptin infusions. I find my body still seems to have muscle pain and my knees flare and become inflamed quite quickly. Doing pool walking and exercise, any one else similar to this? Does this settle over time? H
My Partner never stops
Hi there everyone, i feel so so sorry for my partner, he never stops, looks after my 2 & 3 year old in the mornings and then drops them off to day care, travels over an hour to work, then does 10 hours at work! He then comes home and tries to look after both kids and clean the house and also look after me!! I am trying to…
1/12/16 Christina 55's Birthday!!!!
A HUGE Happy Birthday to Christina!!! Wishing you happiness, laughter, love, fun, joy, and cake and pressie anticipation!!!
29/11/16 Cosette's Birthday FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!!
Wishing Cosette an incredibly Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful, happy, joyous, love filled, brimming with laughter, cake filled day.
Small acts of kindness!
Share your favourite small acts of kindness The holiday season is upon us. We know this time of year can be challenging for our members. We also know that, as a supporter, it’s hard to know what to say or what to do when we learn that someone we love is diagnosed with breast cancer. So, let’s give them a helping hand.…
Being scared
Hi guys as most of you know my husband had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, well its been difficult coping with the mood swings and treading carefuly. ln the early hours this morning he tapped me on the shoulder, no girls not for that, but said lm so scared and then cried so hugs in the dark and lots of patting on the back.made…
23/11/16 Michelle R's Birthday
A HUGE Happy Birthday to the lovely Michelle R!! Michelle wishing you laughter, love, fun, joy, happiness, spontaneity, wonderful surprises, bubbly stuff and CAAAAAAAKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!!
Today is a good day
No particular reason. Today is just good. Sun is shining. My vegetable garden is blooming. Pain is under control. I feel rested and not fatigued. No hot flushes. No medical appointments. Just good. Normal. This time last year I was in ICU after surgery, full of fear and worry, having panic attacks, crying myself to sleep…