12 months on..... Wow!

So Christmas week is upon us....I have been AWOL for a while but do plan to be popping in sporadically over Christmas....I need to take time to mend my upside down, inside out mind......Please know that I am still thinking of you all....sending love and light out to the newly diagnosed.....sending healing wishes to those having a rough time of it.....Sending Christmas Love
From my Facebook blog;
The home stretch is upon us!
The end of 2016 is nigh! YIPPEEE!
Before the Christmas celebrations begin, I would like to say a few things before the big day....
This week, last year....I got a phone call......it was from my GP......the time was 4:50pm, 24/12/15......I will NEVER forget that phone call......I will NEVER forget spending the next day with my family, wanting to tell them, but couldn't, didn't want to spoil Christmas.....Most importantly, I will NEVER forget all of YOU!!!
This year has been a nightmare to say the least.....Endless appointments, surgeries, biopsies, countless blood tests, scans, x rays, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, burns, tremors, nausea, fainting, medications, allergic reactions, numbness, dizziness, skin loss, weight loss, memory loss, crying, yelling, laughing.....swearing!, throwing a tantrum, not wanting to go to treatment, collapsed veins, hair loss, nail loss, did I mention swearing?!! not being able to go out, to drive, to walk, to eat, to taste, even drink....I will NEVER forget....
I will NEVER forget the support and love from my beautiful, beautiful husband Ron Tedeschi...he never missed an appointment, was there when I woke up from surgeries, watched as they pumped toxic chemicals into my veins, wiped my many, many tears (still does), cried with me, learned to be a 'housewife', became my chauffer, my extra pair of ears, my rock when I was at my lowest, my reassurance, my hope. I can't even begin to think what has been going through HIS mind during all of this.....I love you so much it hurts!
My children......Now it's hard to say how this has effected them, they are people of few words, but I would like to think that this experience has made them stand up and take notice, made them strong and determined, made them realise that we can do anything, survive through anything if we have the fire, the inspiration, the drive. A mother's love needs no words
Family.... now my own siblings and mother want nothing to do with me and that hurt for a while.....BUT I have possibly the best, no, they ARE the best!, extended family EVER! They have been my own personal cheer squad! They made me laugh when I would have rather cried, sent homecooked meals, dragged my sorry butt out on outings when I wanted to be curled up in a ball, given me headaches....we are LOUD!!! LOL! ...I love each and every one of you to the moon and back! Xx
Friends.....I never really realised just how many people actually do care for me.... My longest friends, ones I've known for a few years, ones I have only just met and the ones I 'know' but haven't met, you have all rallied around me and my family, cheered me on, cried with me, made me laugh, cooked for me, held fundraisers in my honour....sent love and support through endless phone calls and messages....Friends are just as important as family, some of ours are considered family....I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to have so many caring, decent and gorgeous souled people in my circle. Xx♥
So now that's all out of my head, it's time to celebrate LIFE, my new life with my friends and family......It's time to look forward....time to give thanks...to love.....make new memories......time to eat, drink and be merry!
The word thank you just doesn't cut it....but THANK YOU everyone and thank you, Santa....I got my wish this year!......
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
Sending love and light to all
and a Merry Christmas to you and your family - take the time to heal and bask in the love of your family and friends xx0
Woo hoo! Can't say it hasn't been interesting but most importantly you found this forum and it has worked both ways you have received advice and comfort but more importantly you have helped others!
Wishing you and yours all the best for Christmas and healthy 2017!
Take care
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Tracy, Wishing you and yours a very Merry Xmas and an ecstatically Happy New Year Xx Cath0
Well said, wishing you snd your family a very merry and safe Xmas and a fantastic healthy 2017
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@ScorpionQueen wishing you and your family all the best over Christmas. Thank you for being part of the online network and being your amazing self! Cheers to celebrating life and new memories xx
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It is good that you take time out for yourself to mend your upside down. Merry Christmas x
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Important to do what you need to heal. We have missed you though. X0