Today is a good day

Nadi Member Posts: 619
No particular reason. Today is just good. Sun is shining. My vegetable garden is blooming. Pain is under control. I feel rested and not fatigued. No hot flushes. No medical appointments. Just good. Normal. This time last year I was in ICU after surgery, full of fear and worry, having panic attacks, crying myself to sleep every night and waking up in the mornings with my first thought being "Oh, that's right, I have cancer". Back then I thought I would never feel good again. But here I am. 

If I could go back in time to a year ago I would tell myself, "it gets better." Because now I know it does.


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Oh Nadi I am so pleased for you as we all know what an ordeal your journey has been!  Today is a good day reminds me of that song, Feeling Good - Michael Buble (or bubble as some call him)
    This journey certainly makes us take stock of the everyday!
    Wishing you all the best!  Take care from Christine xx
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    I'm so glad to hear that, @Nadi :blush: What have you got growing in your veggie garden?
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Glad you are feeling good today, @Nadi. I think all those truly awful times mean that we feel so good to just have a 'normal' day. I definitely notice and appreciate so much that I used to just take for granted until treatment changed all that! Enjoy!  :)
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    @iserbrown I think I am going to have to go listen to Mr Buble now! I love that song. Thanks Christine.

    @Deanne I agree - 'Normal' is bloody fantastic!!!!

    @ Cosette I have strawberries, spinach, rainbow swiss chard, white silverbeet, 6 different types of tomatoes, asparagus, capsicum, zucchini, cucumber, telephone peas, snow peas, 6 types of lettuce, thyme, tarragon, rosemary. I have just started hydroponically growing my own fodder for my chickens from wheat seed which is really fun and surprisingly simple.

    I have my last treatment (of 17 treatments) next Monday. I have been off work since September with heart and blood pressure problems and then I got pneumonia. When I was struggling before while working I didn't realise just how badly I needed time to rest, rejuvenate and recharge my battery and enjoy the simple things in life like a sunny day. 

    Hope everyone else can enjoy their day as well.
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    So glad you are having a happy trouble-free day Nadi.  Your vegetable garden sounds amazing.  How lovely to be able to go outside and pick your own veges for lunch and dinner!  No wonder you are feeling great! xx Michelle
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217

    @Nadi, isn't it amazing the level of wisdom we gain throughout this whole bumpy ride.

    I too think back sometimes (my diagnosis was 14 months ago) and there are several hours in the day where cancer does not consume my every thought. Sometimes I "remind" myself that I have it.

    However, I was having some therapy a few months ago and my counsellor said why do I need to remind myself that I have cancer ? Good question indeed !!!

    How lovely that you can see the world for all it's beauty - regardless of what is going on around you. And how wonderful that you are directly contributing to it by growing your own vege & herb garden.

    Let's celebrate the good days and all the very best to you for last treatment Monday - woo hoo.

    Sheryl xxx      

  • Gerryb
    Gerryb Member Posts: 106
    @nadi Three cheers for next Monday xx
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Amazing @Nadi, this is so awesome to hear. Your good days have been a long time coming :heart:
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Yayyyyyyyyyyy for being so awesomely NORMAL!!!!  Woohoooo. Enjoy Nadine, big hug Xoxo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Love it.   I keep telling all the ladies following behind...It gets better. So hard to believe in the middle of it.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Good to see a happy post up in an otherwise rather scary breast cancer forum.
    I had a happy day yesterday as my 12mth tests showed no more breast cancer. Hoping today will be a good day as well with my eye specialist telling me the clot behind my eye won't get any worse. Fingers crossed. :)
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Great news Brenda!! Hope you had a little celebratory dinner last night. Fingers crossed for the eye specialist.